

Simulation of Switch Discharge Jitter in FLTD Stages
摘要 将电路模拟软件PSpice中的电压控制开关模型和自击穿开关模型结合,提出了一种FLTD模块气体开关同步放电分散性的电路模拟方法,利用此方法构建了14支路并联FLTD模块电路模型,电路模拟结果与实验结果吻合,验证了该方法的有效性。针对采用80nF储能电容设计的20支路并联FLTD模块,利用该方法分析了模块支路开关放电分散性对输出电流峰值和前沿的影响。结果表明,输出电流峰值随着开关分散性的增加而减小,输出电流前沿随着开关分散性的增加而增加。与理想状态相比,当开关抖动为5ns时,电流峰值降低3%,电流上升沿增加约10%,电流峰值和上升沿的标准偏差分别为14kA和1ns;当开关抖动10ns时,电流峰值降低10%,上升沿增加约20%,电流峰值和上升沿的标准偏差分别为24kA和2ns。气体火花开关抖动小于5ns时,对模块输出影响较小,可满足模块同步放电要求。 The voltage-control switch model and self-breaking switch model provided by PSpice were combined to simulate the interaction between the FLTD stage switching jitter and discharging jitter.The simulation was validated by the experiment with a 14-brick FLTD stage of 300 kA.The simulation method is applied to a 20-brick FLTD stage with 80 nF ca-pacitors,and the results indicate that the stage output peak current will decrease by 3%,and the rise-time will increase by 10%,with standard deviation of 14 kA and 1 ns,respectively, when the switch jitter is 5 ns;and when the switch jitter is 10 ns,the peak current will be 10% lower and the rise-time 20% higher,with deviation of 24 kA and 2 ns,respectively.It is thus clear that the gas spark switches with jitter less than 5 ns are satisfied for FLTD stages.
出处 《现代应用物理》 2014年第3期201-207,共7页 Modern Applied Physics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51077111)
关键词 直线型变压器驱动源 开关放电分散性 电路模拟 多间隙串联气体开关 linear transformer driver switch discharge jitter circuit simulation multi-gap gas switch
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