
基于基线约束及递推多历元的改进GNSS定姿技术 被引量:4

Improved attitude determination technique of GNSS based on baseline constraint and recursive multiple-epoch
摘要 在GNSS单频姿态测量技术中,利用单差载波相位和码相位结合模型以及CLAMBDA算法(带有基线约束的最小二乘降相关平差算法)解算整周模糊度可以达到较好的定姿结果,但解算成功率不高。针对这一问题,提出了一种多基线三角形约束的递推多历元方法。三角形基线约束主要针对副基线,利用它可以使CLAMBDA算法得出的整周模糊度更准确。而递推多历元则保证了在此时刻没有解出整周模糊度时仍然可以计算出姿态角,主、副基线都适用。2种方法结合,进一步提高了姿态解算的成功率。对副基线的解算进行了验证,实验证明,这种方法将副基线的成功率提高到99.7%以上。 In the technology of the global navigation satellite system(GNSS) single frequency attitude deter-mination, the single-differenced carrier phase and code phase combination model and the CLAMBDAmethod were used to estimate the integer ambiguities. In this way, the success rate of GNSS attitude de-termination can be improved to a certain extent, but there is still room for improvement. In order to solvethis problem, a multiple-baseline triangular constraint recursive multiple-epoch method was presented forimproving the success rate of attitude determination farther. Triangular constraint is mainly for the sec-ondary baseline, and can be used to make the integer ambiguity resolution more accurately. The recursivemultiple-epoch ensures that the attitude angle can still be calculated when the integer ambiguity of this mo-ment is unknown. It can be used for not only the main baseline but also the secondary baseline. The tes-ting results show that the proposed method can improve the success rate of attitude determination for thesecondary baseline to more than 99.7%.
出处 《解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI 北大核心 2014年第5期428-433,共6页 Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2009AA12Z313)
关键词 全球卫星导航系统 姿态测量 整周模糊度解算 三角形约束 GNSS attitude determination integer ambiguity resolution triangular constraint
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