
综掘工作面长压短抽通风风筒合理位置选择 被引量:3

Reasonable Location Selection of Long Plenum and Short Exhaust Ventilation Air Duct on Fully-mechanized Excavation Face
摘要 基于FLUENT数值模拟软件与现场试验,确定合适的压入风筒和抽出风筒距综掘工作面作业面的距离,以期达到提高风机效率和工作面降尘的目的。结果表明,压风口距离掘进面过近,二次扬尘扬起的大量粉尘扩散到射流区的后面,抽风筒不能将射流区后的粉尘吸入,降尘效果不好;吸风口位于射流影响区域范围内,压、抽风流能在工作面形成良好的控制流场,使工作面粉尘被控制在掘进面处,继而被抽风筒吸走,达到最佳通风降尘效果。 Based on the FLUENT numerical simulation software and field test research, the appropriate distance between the forced air duct, exhausting air duct and the fully-mechanized driving face were determined to achieve the purpose of improving the efficiency of the fan and dust removal on working face. The result shows that:when the pressure tuyere is too close to the driving place,a lot of dust of the secondary blowing dust spreads to back of the jet zone, the exhausting air duct can not inhale it, so that the effect of the dust-settling is not good. When the suction mouth locates in the jet zone influencing area,the forced current and exhausting current form a good flow field,the dust on working face is controlled on driving face and be inhaled by exhausting duct,so that the effect of the ventilation and dust-settling is best.
作者 郑钧予
机构地区 河南理工大学
出处 《中州煤炭》 2014年第10期48-51,共4页 Zhongzhou Coal
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划973课题(2012CB723013)
关键词 数值模拟 二次扬尘 射流区 numerical simulation secondary blowing dust jet zone
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