新闻策划是近些年来新闻界的热门话题。文章认为 ,新闻策划的意义在于 :能加强报道的计划性 ;能提高报道的质量 ,加大报道的力度 ;能充分利用新闻资源增加独家新闻 ;能加强传者、受者与事件三者的纽结力。新闻报道策划可以从多层次入手 ,如战役性策划、议题性策划、主题性策划和介入性策划等等。
News planing has become a popular topic in news circle recently.It is considered by the author that the meaning of nwes planing is that it enhances planning of news report,promotes quality and effect of the news reported,increases the amount of exclusive news by fully utilizing news resources;and it also strengthen the relationship among reporter,news receiver and the event.News planing can be begun with from different anrangement levels,such as campaign planing,subject planing,topic plining as well as intervening planing etc..
Journal of Hunan Light Industry College