经济主体是需求与供给的统一 ,不能离开供给谈需求。目前国内有效需求不足制约经济增长的根源在于无效供给过剩 ,有效供给不足。解决这个问题的根本出路是调整产业结构 ,促进技术和制度创新 ,以启动和创造有效供给 ,同时完善市场机制 。
Every economic subject is the combination of demand and supply,so we can't speak of demand apart from supply.The basic reason why inadequate effective demand in our country now restricts economic growth is that ineffective supply is excessive while effective supply is not enough.The ultimate solution to the question is to adjust industrial composition and promote innovation of technology and system in order to start and create effective supply,and at the same time perfect market mechanism and create a good market environment.
Journal of Hunan Light Industry College