
New Multivariate-Based Certificateless Hybrid Signcryption Scheme for Multi-Recipient 被引量:2

New Multivariate-Based Certificateless Hybrid Signcryption Scheme for Multi-Recipient
摘要 With the development of quantum computer, multivariate public key cryptography withstanding quantum attack has became one of the research focus. The existed signcryption schemes from discrete logarithm and bilinear paring are facing the serious threats. Based on multivariate public key cryptography, a new certificateless multi-receiver hybrid signcryption scheme has been proposed. The proposal reduced the cipher text and could handle arbitrary length messages by employing randomness reusing and hybrid encryption, as well as keeping security. In the random oracle model, the scheme's confidentiality could withstand the IND-CCA2 adversary and its unforgeability could withstand the UF-CMA adversary under the hardness of multivariat quadratic (MQ) problem and isomorphism of polynomials (IP) assumption. It has less computation overhead and higher transmission efficiency than others. It reduced 33% cipher data compared with the existed similar scheme. With the development of quantum computer, multivariate public key cryptography withstanding quantum attack has became one of the research focus. The existed signcryption schemes from discrete logarithm and bilinear paring are facing the serious threats. Based on multivariate public key cryptography, a new certificateless multi-receiver hybrid signcryption scheme has been proposed. The proposal reduced the cipher text and could handle arbitrary length messages by employing randomness reusing and hybrid encryption, as well as keeping security. In the random oracle model, the scheme's confidentiality could withstand the IND-CCA2 adversary and its unforgeability could withstand the UF-CMA adversary under the hardness of multivariat quadratic (MQ) problem and isomorphism of polynomials (IP) assumption. It has less computation overhead and higher transmission efficiency than others. It reduced 33% cipher data compared with the existed similar scheme.
出处 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 CAS 2014年第5期433-440,共8页 武汉大学学报(自然科学英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(61103231,61103230,61272492,61202492) the Project Funded by China Postdoctoral Science Foundation and Natural Science Basic Research Plan in Shaanxi Province of China(2014JQ8358,2014JQ8307,2014JM8300)
关键词 multivariate public key cryptography certificateless hybrid signcryption multi-receiver post-quantum cryptography multivariate public key cryptography certificateless hybrid signcryption multi-receiver post-quantum cryptography
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