科学技术作为人类历史前进“最高意义的革命力量” ,不但推动了资本主义生产关系的演变 ,同时也促进了社会主义生产关系的嬗变。源于 1 9世纪下半期至 2 0世纪初的第二次科技革命促进自由资本主义向一般垄断资本主义转变 ;第二次科技革命在促使社会主义制度在俄国诞生、巩固的同时 ,也导致高度集权的社会主义政治经济体制的形成。战后的第三次科技革命以其全方位的辐射力促进一般垄断资本主义向国家垄断资本主义过渡 ,社会主义生产关系更经历了一个从巩固、发展到被迫改革的曲折过程。随着 2 0世纪 80年代以信息社会和知识经济社会为标志的第四次科技革命 ,首先冲击了集权的社会主义政治经济体制 ,导致社会主义制度在苏东地区出现断层 ,原苏东社会主义制度向西方资本主义制变演变 ;伴随着经济全球化 ,资本主义在这一时期从国家垄断资本主义向国际垄断资本主义演变。
As “the most significant revolutionary force” in human history,science and technology caused gradually the evolution of the capitalist production relations as well as of the socialist production relations.The Second Scientific and Technological Revolution,originated in the late 19th century and the early 20th century,promoted the transformation of monopoly capitalism from non-monopoly capitalism.It brought birth to socialism in Russia and consolidated socialism there. Meanwhile it caused the formation of highly centralized socialist political and economical system.After the World WarⅡ,the Third Scientific and Technological Revolution promoted the transition from common monopoly capitalism to state monopoly capitalism with its all-rounded influence.Socialist production relations experienced consolidation,developement and forced reformation.The Fourth Scientific and Technological Revolution in 1980s marked by information society and knowledge economy firstly struck the centralized socialist political and economic system,it caused the socialist system to be ceased in former U.S.S.R and East Europe.It caused the transformation from the former U.S.S.R and East Europe socialist system to western capitalist system.With economic globalization capitalism has transferred from state monopoly capitalism to international monopoly in this period.Socialism is enlivened by reforms.
Journal of Hunan Light Industry College
scientific and technological evolution
non-monopoly capitalism
common monopoly capitalism
state monopoly capitalism
international monopoly capitalism
socialist production relations
socialist reforms
evolution of systems