West African countries are currently suffering the most severe pandemic of Ebola virus disease ever recorded, with 4269 human cases and 2288 deaths (through 6 September 2014), and the number of cases in the current outbreak exceeds the number from all previous outbreaks combined. Ebola virus disease was first described in 1976 originating from the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Five Ebola viruses have been reported to cause Ebola virus pandemics, including Zaire Ebola virus, Sudan Ebola virus, Ivory Coast Ebola virus, Reston Ebola virus and Bundibugyo Ebola virus. The Zaire Ebola virus is the most deadly with a fatality rate up to 90%. Unfortunately, the current outbreak in the West African countries is caused by the Zaire Ebola virus, and no specific treatment for the disease is yet available.
West African countries are currently suffering the most severe pandemic of Ebola virus disease ever recorded,with4269 human cases and 2288 deaths(through 6 September2014),and the number of cases in the current outbreak exceeds the number from all previous outbreaks combined.Ebola virus disease was first described in 1976 originating from the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Five Ebola viruses have been reported to