When the imprecise reliability of generalized gates is applied to the gate-level or high-level circuits, the errors could be easily over-enlarged for the scale effect and other reasons, which leads to unreliable results. In this paper, the PTM model, which the effectiveness was proved by accurate gate-level circuit reliability estimation, was chosen to accurately calculate the structure reliability of generalized gates at the transistor-level; the structure logistic abstract of transistor-level generalized gates is analyzed and transformed into the style of gate-level structure logistic abstract having the same function with the pre-transform one; the failure points of circuit components and the main fault modes are extra,ted, and the corresponding probabilistic transfer matrixes oriented to faults are constructed; according to the characteristics of series-parallel circuit components, the structure reliabilities of transistor-level generalized gates are calculated by the gate-level PTM method under the fault conditions on input signals. Simulation results for typical generalized gates demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method; furthermore, the relation between generalized gates reliability and these main types faults is analyzed, and some interesting results are got.
Scientia Sinica(Informationis)