
开放获取论文推送转发服务系统iSwitch:概念、功能与基本框架 被引量:6

Router Service Engine iSwitch for Open Access Articles:The Concept,Strategy,and Framework
摘要 【目的】支持开放获取论文从多个出版社向多个机构知识库自动推送转发。【方法】分析归纳论文自存储对作者的挑战和推送服务对出版社的挑战,分析多个出版社对多个机构知识库的推送转发服务需求。【结果】提出推送转发服务系统iSwitch的概念,提出该系统接收管理、转发管理、数据管理等功能模块及其具体任务,提出iSwitch设计的标准化要求和运行的合作管理要求。【结论】开放获取论文推送转发服务系统从出版社自动接收论文,识别论文作者、作者机构及资助机构,并自动推送到相应的机构知识库,有效保障机构知识成果的保存与传播。 [Objective] Support automatic push and routing of open access articles from multiple publishers to multiple repositories of funders or research organizations. [Methods] Summarize the challenges of author self archiving for authors, challenges of push services to publishers, and analyze the needs of route services. [Results] Propose the concept of the iSwitch, a router service system, identification, routing, and data management, set out suggest the functional modules for ingest, affiliation/funder the standardization requirements for the system design and the collaboration requirements for its operation. [Conclusions] iSwitch can automatically receive open paper from presses, identify the authors of the paper, the author agencies and funding agencies, then automatically pushed to the corresponding institutional repositories, effectively guarantee preservation and spread of institutional achievements.
出处 《现代图书情报技术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10期4-8,共5页 New Technology of Library and Information Service
基金 中国科学院文献情报能力建设专项"国际开放论文国家交换服务中心示范系统"(项目编号:Y14008)的研究成果之一
关键词 开放获取 作者自存储 推送服务 转发服务 iSwitch Open access Author selfarchiving Automatic push Automatic routing iSwitch
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