

“Words Are Formed out of Water”:An Eco-Critical Approach to Waterscape in A River Runs Through It
摘要 诺曼·麦克林恩的小说《一条奔腾而过的大河》以其舒缓隽美的文字和深蕴的生态思想内涵被公认为美国文学中的一部绿色经典。水景是该小说中的一个中心意象,蕴含着丰富的人文底蕴和文化品位。事实上,水景的变迁就像一面"镜像",映照出交错复杂的人类社会之观念流变。通过细读小说,我们不难发现小说中有一个格外明显的"事实"由水景传达:人与自然之间的关系以及人际关系正日益恶化。毋庸置疑,人与自然之间的关系恶化是人际关系日益恶化的表征,两者之间有着不可分割的联系。只有当人与自然以及人与人之间和谐相处、同生共荣,人类才能最终建立一个和谐的理想社会。 With its elegant wording and rich ecological connotations,A River Runs Through It,Norman Maclean's best-known work, is regarded as an American green canon. Waterscape is the central image of the novel, which connotes inherent human qualities and cultural taste. In fact,the transformation of the waterscape in the novel mirrors the transformation of human notions. In the novel,an obvious fact is revealed through waterscape,namely,human-nature relationship and interpersonal relationship are both worsening. Undoubtedly,the deterioration of visible nature epitomizes social transformation and they are intertwined. A harmonious society will be possible only when human-nature relationship and interpersonal relationship are both in harmony.
作者 龙娟
出处 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期134-139,共6页 Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
基金 教育部人文社会科学基金项目"美国环境文学中的记忆主题研究"(13YJA752012) 湖南省教育厅重点项目"美国环境小说研究"(11A075)
关键词 诺曼·麦克林恩 《一条奔腾而过的大河》 生态批评 水景 Norman Maclean A River Runs Through It ecocriticism waterscape
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