
西安市唐长安城大明宫兴安门遗址 被引量:8

The Site of the Xing'an Gate of the Darning Palace in Chang'an City of the Tang Dynasty
摘要 2009年4月,中国社会科学院考古研究所西安唐城工作队对兴安门遗址进行了考古发掘。门址分早、晚两期,早期门址有三个门道,晚期门址有两个门道,晚期门址由东西墩台、门道、隔墙以及东西两侧的城墙和马道等组成。出土遗物有建筑材料和日用品等。兴安门的发掘,为唐代都城考古研究提供了新资料。 For the construction of the Daming Palace Site Park, in April 2009, Xi' an Tang City Archaeological Team, IA, CASS excavated the remains of Xing' an Gate. The excavation revealed that the Xing' an Gate was constructed of rammed loess, the structures of which above the foundation had been completely destroyed and only the rammed-earth foundation was preserved. The gate had been built for two times: the earlier gate had three gateways facing south, and the later gate had two gateways. The gate consisted of the east and west terraces, gateways, separating walls, the palace city walls linked to them on the east and west sides and the ramp paths mounting the walls. The unearthed artifacts were building materials and utensils for daily use, the former included rectangular bricks, square bricks, fiat tiles, cylindrical tiles, tile-ends, chiwei-ridge end ornaments, iron nails, stone rams, stone threshold, wooden part fragments, etc. The latter included porcelain bowls, jars, cases, lamps, basins, bottles, pottery pagodas, water-drawing vessels, inkstones, stone pestles, bone hairpins, small bronze Buddha figures, bronze coins, etc. In the Tang Dynasty, Xing' an Gate was one of the five gates on the south wall of Darning Palace and an important entrance leading to the imperial academy and the imperial harem; in the late Tang Dynasty, it was also an important location for the captive-offering ceremonies. The date of the abandoning of the Xing' an Gate would be the same as that of the Daming Palace, which was the first year of Tianyou Era (904 AD). The excavation of Xing' an Gate provided new materials for the archaeological research on the capitals of the Tang Dynasty.
出处 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期44-53,2,共10页 Archaeology
关键词 陕西省西安市 唐长安城 大明宫 兴安门 唐代 Shaanxi Xi' an City Tang Chang' an City Daming Palace Xing' an Gate Tang Dynasty
  • 相关文献


  • 1《唐会要》卷十四.
  • 2《资治通鉴》卷二百六十四天佑元年正月条.
  • 3陕西省文物管理委员会.《长安城地基初步探测》[J].考古学报,1958,.
  • 4中国科学院考古研究所西安唐城工作队.《唐代长安城考古记略》,《考古》19?年第11期.











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