1Stan Stelter, Edited by Kathleen Ellisen Risch,Designed by Ken Yetter, The New SYNFUELS ENERGY PIO- NEERS (A history ot Dakota Gasification Company and the Great Plain Svnfuels Plant, Published in 2001, Page 24-55.
2Stan Stelter, Edited by Kathleen Ellisen Risch, Designed by Ken Yetter, The New SYNFUELS ENERGY PIONEERS (A history of Dakota G~ifica- tion Comoanv and the Great Plain Svnfiaels Plant, Published in 2001, Pagze 56 - 120.
3Stan Stelter, Edited by Kathleen Ellisen Risch, Desi,zned by Ken Yetter, The New SYNFUELS ENERGY PIONEERS (A history ot Dakota Gasilication Company and the Great Plain Svnluels Plant, Published in 2001, Page 122- 127.
4From the Website of Dakota Gasification Coml3anv: http://www.dakotagas.com.