
“非戏剧”的戏剧——街头剧《放下你的鞭子》再研究 被引量:3

The Theatre of “Non-theatre”:a Further Study of Street Theatre Put down your whip
摘要 抗战初期,街头剧《放下你的鞭子》演遍大江南北,在抗日宣传中发挥了显著作用。究其成功的原因,首先应归于独特的编演方式。而这一独特的演出形式又在二十年后的西方剧场中找到了共鸣。跨越时空的两种戏剧艺术的共鸣,在某种程度上正反映了戏剧精神的内在要求。本文将街头剧形式的《放下你的鞭子》定义为"非戏剧"的戏剧——一种隐藏剧场身份的戏剧,通过分析其构建剧场的策略、对行为表演的借鉴、实现政治宣传的手段,探讨这种"非戏剧"的戏剧形式如何在悖论中实现了戏剧的本质。 At the beginning of the Second Anti -Japanese War, the street theatre Put down your whip was pertormed a- round China and exerted conspicuous influence on the anti -Japanese publicity whose success can be attributed to its u- nique ways of screenwriting and performing. The unique way of performance found resonance in Western theatre twenty years later that exactly reflects the inherent requirements of dramatic spirit surpassing time and space to some degree.This paper discusses how the theatre of "Non - theatre" achieves the essence of theatre in such a paradox by defining Put down your whip as a theatre of "Non - theatre", that is, a theatre concealing the identity of theatre by analyzing the strategies in constructing the theatre, the instructions for behavioral performance, and the means to achieve political propagation.
作者 陈曦
出处 《贵州大学学报(艺术版)》 2014年第5期73-80,共8页 Journal of Guizhou University Art Edition
关键词 《放下你的鞭子》 街头剧 行为表演 压迫者剧场 Put down your whip street theatre behavioral performance theatre of the oppressed
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