
面齿轮齿面均匀腐蚀后性能分析 被引量:1

Meshing Performance Analysis for Face Gear with Flank of Even Corrosion
摘要 用于处理核废料的沉浸在硝酸中的面齿轮将会被酸性溶液腐蚀,因此,在检修寿命期内,被腐蚀后的啮合、承载及其强度性能能否保证其安全性显得非常重要。首先基于面齿轮的啮合原理和齿面修形方法建立了齿面方程,然后建立了小齿轮和面齿轮的有限元模型,应用齿面接触、承载接触和应力过程分析等方法对均匀腐蚀后的面齿轮传动性能进行了考察。计算结果表明腐蚀后的齿面能够正确啮合,但对安装误差较为敏感,通过应用双向修形齿面可以降低安装误差的敏感性,面齿轮最大接触应力、弯曲应力分别为417 N/mm2和48 N/mm2,小轮最大弯曲应力为36 N/mm2。 Whether the meshing,load bearing and strength performance of the corroded face gear can gurantee its security is significant because immersing in nitric acid,the face gear,which apply to treat the nuclear waste will be corroded by the acidic solution in the maintenance lifetime. The equation of the tooth surface is established based on the meshing theory of the face gear and the method of tooth modification firstly,then the finite element model of the pinion and face gear is established and the transmission performance of the uniformly corroded face gear is analyzed by methods such as tooth contact,loaded tooth contact analysis and stress process analysis. The results show that the corroded tooth surface meshed correctly,however,they are sensitive to the installation error. The sensitivity to installation error can be reduced by the bidirectional modified tooth surface when the maximum contact stress and bending stress of the face gear are 417 N /mm2 and 48N /mm2 respectively and the maximum bending stress of the pinion is 36 N /mm2.
出处 《机械传动》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期151-154,165,共5页 Journal of Mechanical Transmission
基金 国家自然科学基金(51375384)
关键词 面齿轮 啮合性能 腐蚀 齿面接触分析 应力分析 Face gear Meshing performance Corrosion Tooth contact analysis Stress analysis
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