
工业设计产业发展对策研究——四川省工业设计产业现状与发展思考 被引量:6

Strategies for promoting the development of industrial design ——Status and and suggestions for industrial design industry in Sichuan province
摘要 近年来,工业设计产业在中国得到了长足发展,为中国产业经济的转型升级作出了积极贡献。四川省的工业设计产业为四川本土企业的技术进步和竞争力提升起到了积极的推动作用,是四川省产业经济发展由"四川制造"到"四川创造"的转变不可或缺的支撑。四川省工业设计产业在经历了萌芽期与培育期后,现在走到了壮大与优化升级的关键阶段。通过对国内外工业设计产业发展情况和四川省工业设计产业的调研,归纳总结了国内外工业设计产业发展的先进经验,结合四川省的经济发展状况和四川省工业设计发展的现状,分析了现阶段制约四川省工业设计产业发展的主要因素,提出了促进四川省工业设计产业发展的对策与建议。 Over the years, industrial design industry has obtained a substantial development in China, which has made a positive contribution to the transformation and upgrading of China's industrial economy. Playing a positive role in promoting the technical progress and competitiveness of domestic enterprises, industrial design industry in Sichuan Province has become an indispensable support to the industry transformation from “made in Sichuan ” to “created in Sichuan”. After its primary stage and incubation period, industrial design industry of Sichuan, now comes to the crucial stage of the growing and optimization and upgrading. Through surveying on the status of industrial design industry in Sichuan province and reviewing on the development of industrial design industry at home and abroad, it has been summarized that the advanced experience of industrial design industry development at home and abroad. Based upon the results of survey and literature review, , the main factors restricting the development of industrial design industry of Sichuan Province has been analyzed by considering the economic level and the development status of industrial design in Sichuan province. Suggestions and strategies for promoting the development of industrial design industry in Sichnan province have been presented.
作者 吴丹 杨随先
出处 《机械》 2014年第10期43-48,共6页 Machinery
基金 四川省教育厅人文社会科学重点研究基地西华大学工业设计产业研究中心资助项目(GY-13YB-03)
关键词 四川省 工业设计 发展对策 Sichuan province industrial design development strategy
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