
浙江城市汉族体型研究 被引量:7

A Study on the Somatotype of Han in Urban of Zhejiang
摘要 研究浙江城市汉族体型特点.采用Heath-Carter人体测量法,对浙江城市汉族297例(城男144例,城女153例)成人体型进行了研究.(1)浙江城市汉族男性的平均体型值为4.3-5.0-2.1,属于偏内胚层的中胚层体型.在13种体型中,出现率最高的3种体型分别为偏内胚层的中胚层体型(43.1%)、内胚层-中胚层均衡体型(18.1%)、偏中胚层的内胚层体型(11.1%),这3种体型出现率之和为72.3%.(2)浙江城市汉族女性体型均数为5.4-4.9-1.8,属于内胚层-中胚层均衡体型.在13种体型中,出现率最高的体型为偏中胚层的内胚层体型(37.9%)、内胚层-中胚层均衡体型(25.5%)、偏内胚层的中胚层体型(16.3%),这3种体型出现率之和为79.7%.(3)浙江城市汉族随年龄增长内、中因子值线性增大;外因子与年龄呈负相关,随年龄增长外因子值线性减小.方差分析结果显示,内、中、外因子的年龄组间差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.01).随年龄增长,浙江城市汉族身体充实度增大,而线性度下降;女性比男性线性度更小.与其他城市汉族资料比较,浙江城市汉族体型与湖南娄底汉族、江西汉族接近,与广西汉族距离最远. Study on the Somatotype of Han in Urban areas of Zhejiang. The Heath-Carter somatotyping method is used to study the somatotype of 297 urban adults( 144 males and 153 females) of Han in Zhejiang province.( 1) The mean somatotype values of the male is 4. 3-5. 0-2. 1 in urban districts respectively,which represent the endomorphic mesomorph category in the male. The highest somatotype occurrence rate of urban males were endomorphic mesomorph( 43. 1%) 、endomorph-mesomorph( 18. 1%) 、mesomorphic endomorph( 11. 1%),the total of three somatotype are 72. 3%.( 2) The mean somatotype values of the male is 5. 4-4. 9-1. 8 in urban districts respectively,which represent the endomorph-mesomorph category in the female. The highest somatotype occurrence rate of urban males were mesomorphic endomorph( 37.9%) 、endomorph-mesomorph( 25.5%) 、endomorphic mesomorph( 16.3%),the total of three somatotype are 79.7%.( 3) With their age increasing,the endomorphy and mesomorphy of Han in Zhejiang province increasing linearly. ectomorphy is negatively correlated with age,with their age increasing,linearity of ectomorphy is decreasing. Anova analysis showed that the ages of endomorphy、mesomorphy and ectomorphy are significantly( P0. 01). With their age increasing,the body replenish of Han in Zhejiang is increasing,but linearity is decreasing; female's linearity is maller than male.Comparison with other urban groups in oversea,the body replenish of Han in Zhejiang is close to Han in Hunan Loudi and Han in Jiangxi and far away Han in Guangxi.
出处 《南京师大学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期84-88,共5页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(30830062)
关键词 HEATH-CARTER体型法 汉族 浙江 Heath-Carter somatotyping method Han Zhejiang
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