【目的】研究Ghrelin在鸭胸腺发育过程中的定位分布及变化规律,以期为进一步探讨Ghrelin对胸腺生理功能的影响提供形态学资料。【方法】选用不同发育阶段的天府肉鸭,胚胎期分7个组,即:14、16、18、20、22、24和26 d胚龄组;胚后期分12个组,即:新生雏、1、3、5、8、11、14、17、20、26、29和32周龄组。运用免疫组织化学技术及形态计量方法研究Ghrelin在鸭胸腺发育过程中的定位分布及变化规律。【结果和结论】Ghrelin免疫阳性细胞弥散分布于20 d胚龄至胚后32周龄的胸腺小叶皮质和髓质;阳性细胞呈圆形、卵圆形、星形或不规则形,主要为胸腺上皮细胞和巨噬细胞。阳性细胞数量在胚胎期无明显差异,在胚后胸腺继续发育期(新生雏~8周龄)和成熟期(11~17周龄)呈波浪状变化,在退化期(20~32周龄)呈下降趋势。说明在天府肉鸭胸腺个体发育中存在Ghrelin免疫阳性细胞,其数量表现出明显增龄变化特性,与胸腺退化密切相关。
[Objective] The immunohistochemical localization and developmental changes of ghrelin in the duck thymus were studied to provide the morphological effect of ghrelin on the physiological function of thymus.[Method] Tianfu ducks were divided into 19 groups as follows:7 groups in the embryonic peri-od (14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26 days at embryonic stage ), 12 groups after hatching ( at neonatal stage, 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 26, 29 and 32 weeks).The immunohistochemical method associat-ed with morphometric analysis was used .[Result and conclusion] The ghrelin immunoreactivity (-ir) cells with round, ovoid, stellate and irregular aspects were maily thymic epitheilial cells and macropha-ges, and diffusely distributed in the thymic cortex and medulla from embryonic 20 days to 32 weeks after hatching .The number of ghrelin-ir cells in the thymic cortex and medulla was unchanged during the em-bryonic development , presenting a wave-changed pattern during the continuous development ( from neo-natal stage to 8 weeks after hatching ) and matured periods ( from 11 to 17 weeks after hatching ) , which decreased during the involution stage ( from 20 to 32 weeks after hatching ) .These results suggested that ghrelin-ir cells existed in the duck thymus and their numbers exhibited obvious age -related changes ,which can be closely related to the involution of the duck thymus .
Journal of South China Agricultural University