Science and Technology Innovation Herald
2徐兵祥,李相方,胡小虎,胡素明.煤层气典型曲线产能预测方法[J].中国矿业大学学报,2011,40(5):743-747. 被引量:22
3Aminian K,Ameri S, Bhavsar A,et ai.Type curves for coalbed methane production prediction[C]//SPE Eastern Regional Meeting.2004.
4Aminian K,Ameri S,Bhavsar A B,et al.Type curves for production prediction and evaluation of coalbed methane reservoirs[C]//SPE Eastern Regional Meeting.2005.
5Bhavsar A B.Prediction of Coalbed Methane Reservoir performance with Type Curves[D].West Virginia University,2005.
1GENTZIS T, BOLEN D. The use of numerical simulation in predicting coalbed methane producibility from the Gates coals, Alberta Inner Foothills, Cana- da.. comparison with Mannville coal CBM production in the Alberta Syncline[J]. International Journal of Coal Geology, 2008, 74(3):215-236.
2GARCIA A. Development of production type curve for coalbed methane reservoirs [D]. Morgantown: College of Engineering and Mineral Resources of West Virginia University, 2004.
3AMINIAN K, AMERI S, BHAVSAR A, et al. Type curve for coalbed methane prediction[C]// SPE 91482, SPE Eastern Regional Meeting. Charleston:[s. n. ], 2004.
4AMINIAN K, AMERI S, BHAVSAR A, et al. Type curves for production prediction and evaluation of eoalbed methane reservoirs[C]. SPE 97957, SPE Eastern Regional Meeting. Morgantown: [ s. n.], 2005.
5PRATIKNO H, RUSHING J A, BLASINGAME T A. Decline curve analysis using type curves: fractured wells[C]// SPE 84287, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition. Denver:[s. n.], 2003.
6GERAMI S, POOLADI-DARVISH M. Type curves for dry CBM reservoirs with equilibrium desorption [J]. Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology. 2008,47(7) :48-56.
7SANCHEZ M A. The impact of stimulation on pro- duction decline type curves for CBM wellsED]. Morgantown: College of Engineering and Mineral Resources of West Virginia University, 2004.
8ARREY E N. Impact of Langmuir isotherm on pro- duction behavior of CBM reservoir[D]. Morgantown.. College of Engineering and Mineral Resources of West Virginia University, 2004.
9BHAVSAR A. Prediction of coalbed methane reservoir performance with type curves [D]. Morgan- town: College of Engineering and Mineral Resources of West Virginia University, 2005.
10ENOH M. A tool to predict the production performance of vertical wells in a combed methane reservoir[D]. Morgantown: College of Engineering and Mineral Resources of West Virginia University, 2007.
1Liu Aihua,Fu Xuehai,Luo Bin,Luo Peipei,Jiao Chunlin.Comprehensive analysis of CBM recovery in high rank coal reservoir of Jincheng area[J].International Journal of Mining Science and Technology,2013,23(3):447-452. 被引量:6
3赖枫鹏,李治平,汪益宁,任广磊,张跃磊.考虑井间干扰的煤层气井动态预测方法[J].中国矿业大学学报,2013,42(2):251-256. 被引量:9
4杨超,李相方,李彦兰,徐兵祥,蔡喜东.多层双孔介质储层水平井压力求解方法[J].中国矿业大学学报,2013,42(3):436-443. 被引量:4
5王彩凤,邵先杰,孙玉波,胥昊,刘英杰,石磊.中高煤阶煤层气井产量递减类型及控制因素——以晋城和韩城矿区为例[J].煤田地质与勘探,2013,41(3):23-28. 被引量:11
6郝明强,胡永乐.压敏性低渗透油藏水平井产能研究[J].中国矿业大学学报,2013,42(6):1033-1039. 被引量:3
7吴财芳,姚帅,杜严飞.基于时间序列BP神经网络的煤层气井排采制度优化[J].中国矿业大学学报,2015,44(1):64-69. 被引量:12
8刘海龙,吴淑红.气井产量递减类型及气藏地质工程因素分析——以柿庄南矿区煤层气井为例[J].河南科学,2015,33(10):1812-1817. 被引量:5
9齐亚东,王军磊,庞正炼,刘群明.非常规油气井产量递减规律分析新模型[J].中国矿业大学学报,2016,45(4):772-778. 被引量:13
10李勇,李保柱,田昌炳,朱怡翔,宋本彪,钱其豪.基于典型曲线快速预测油藏开发指标——以伊拉克鲁迈拉油田Upper Shale大型多层砂岩油藏为例[J].石油勘探与开发,2016,43(6):956-960. 被引量:2
1万玉金,曹雯.煤层气单井产量影响因素分析[J].天然气工业,2005,25(1):124-126. 被引量:64
2赵金,张遂安.煤层气井底流压生产动态研究[J].煤田地质与勘探,2013,41(2):21-24. 被引量:13
3李长宝,黄瑞峰.煤屑瓦斯扩散理论研究与展望[J].中州煤炭,2016(6):22-25. 被引量:3
4王生维,王峰明,侯光久,乌效鸣,张晨,张业畅,胡奇.新疆阜康白杨河矿区急倾斜煤层的煤层气开发井型[J].煤炭学报,2014,39(9):1914-1918. 被引量:44
2陈贵锋.煤制清洁低碳能源的技术经济评价[J].能源政策研究,2008(3):47-50. 被引量:5
3段健,金龙哲,欧盛南,段旭琴,丁照忠.模糊数学方法优选高炉喷吹煤[J].煤炭学报,2011,36(9):1559-1564. 被引量:10
5蒋忠亮,张皋,苏鹏飞,胡岚,陈智群,贾林,温晓燕.HMX含量实时检测NIRS模型的建立与优化[J].火炸药学报,2014,37(1):66-69. 被引量:6
6雷天柱,夏燕青,张瑞,靳明,邱军利.二次生烃过程中升温速率对生烃途径的影响——以鄂尔多斯烃源岩生烃动力学研究为例[J].矿物岩石,2006,26(2):97-99. 被引量:3
7杜文博,常会珍.高煤阶煤的发热量及其预测模型研究[J].中国煤炭地质,2015,27(9):14-17. 被引量:7
8张建伍,曹延荣,陈文生.塔河油田艾丁区块TK1247井XRF元素的地质意义[J].录井工程,2009,20(3):34-38. 被引量:1
9于孙英,张忠民,杨小林,浦晓玲.江37稠油区块原油掺水集输特性研究[J].油气田地面工程,2009,28(8):49-50. 被引量:1
10张其敏,胡攀峰,陈钥利,黄丽.无机盐对稠油乳化的影响研究[J].油气田地面工程,2010,29(9):24-26. 被引量:2