
2008—2012年吉林省手足口病流行病学特征分析 被引量:24

Epidemiology of hand foot and mouth disease in Jilin,2008-2012
摘要 目的描述2008-2012年吉林省手足口病的流行病学特征,探讨吉林省手足口病发病变化趋势。方法使用中国疾病预防控制信息系统数据,采用描述流行病学方法对2008-2012年吉林省手足口病发病情况进行分析。结果 2008-2012年吉林省共报告手足口病95 907例。2010年发病率最高(105.27/10万),之后呈下降趋势。发病高峰在6-8月,呈单峰分布。年均发病率最高的是通化市(108.11/10万)。男女性别比1.48∶1。5岁以下儿童占79.72%。散居儿童占所有病例的60.94%。2008年和2011年阳性标本中EV71病毒所占比例在60%以上。结论吉林省手足口病呈明显季节分布,男性所占比例较高,5岁以下儿童是发病主要人群。散居儿童所占比例较高。不同年份优势毒株不同。 Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of hand foot and mouth disease( HFMD) in Jilin Province from 2008 to 2012. Methods Descriptive epidemiological analysis was conducted on the incidence data of HFMD in Jilin from 2008 to 2012 collected from national disease reporting information system. Results A total of95 907 HFMD cases were reported in Jilin during this period. The incidence of HFMD reached its highest rate of105. 27 /lakh in 2010,then decreased. The annual incidence peak was during June-August. The incidence rate in Tonghua was highest(108. 11 /lakh). The male to female ratio of the cases was 1. 48∶ 1. Up to 79. 72% of the cases were children under 5 years old and 60. 94% were children outside child care settings. In 2008 and 2011,EV71 positive samples accounted for 〉60% of the total samples detected. Conclusion HFMD had obvious seasonality in Jilin. The boys aged 〈5 years or outside child care settings were mostly affected. The predominant pathogen varied with year.
出处 《疾病监测》 CAS 2014年第9期725-728,共4页 Disease Surveillance
关键词 手足口病 流行病学特征 病原学检测 Hand foot and mouth disease Epidemiology Etiological testing
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