
构建终身教育体系的一种有效方法——资历架构法 被引量:9

Construction of Lifelong Education System——an Effective Method of QF
摘要 作为学习型社会形成的重要支撑和保障的终身教育体系,由于突破了传统教育的理念和界限并受到体制等诸多因素的制约,用传统常规方式进行构建很难奏效。该文借鉴目前国际上越来越多国家采用的资历架构法,运用成效为本的理念,通过梳理与排列社会资历,建立相应的资历架构和与之对应的知识架构与技能架构,形成资历与知识和技能的相互"映射"关系。这既可以构建有效明晰的资历培养途径,统一形形色色的教育培训;又可以在政府的引导和市场机制的双重作用下,有效避开体制障碍,实现不同教育培训的沟通与衔接,促进教育培训与社会实际需求的结合。与此同时,还能提高知识、技能、能力传授和训练的效率与效能,规范教育培训市场,提高教育培训质量,有力地推动终身教育体系的建设。 as important support and guarantee of the learning-type society formation of lifelong education system due to breaking the boundaries of traditional education idea and restricted by the system, and many other factors, constructing hard at work in the traditional manner. The paper was based on the current international and national qualiifcations framework act, the use of result-oriented philosophy, by sorting and arranging social qualiifcations, set up a qualiifcations framework and the knowledge and skills of architecture, formed between the qualiifcations and knowledge and skills“map”. That can build an effective and clear way of qualiifcation training, harmonization of various forms of education and training;and under the dual role of Government and market mechanisms, effectively avoid the institutional barriers to achieve communication and cohesion of the different education and training, promoting combination of education training and the actual needs of the community. Meanwhile, it can also enhance the knowledge, skills, abilities and training more efifcient and effective, standardized education and training market, and improve the quality of education and training, and vigorously promoted the construction of lifelong education system.
作者 袁灵
出处 《中国电化教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期55-58,共4页 China Educational Technology
关键词 终身教育体系 成效为本 资历架构法 Lifelong Education System Outcomes-Based Qualiifcation Framework Law
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