
两株高效苯酚降解菌的筛选、鉴定及生物强化-DTRO组合工艺初步验证 被引量:7

Screening,identification of two high-efficiently phenol degradable strains and preliminary validation of bioaugmentation process combined with DTRO technology
摘要 【目的】从煤化工废水中分离、筛选苯酚高效降解微生物,初步考察微生物与DTRO技术联用,构建含酚废水生物强化处理工艺的可行性。【方法】采用苯酚浓度梯度培养基对苯酚降解微生物进行分离和筛选;根据菌体形态电子显微镜观察、菌株生理生化特性考察和16S r RNA基因系统发育树构建,对菌株进行初步生物学鉴定;将筛选出的高效苯酚降解菌制备成相应的菌剂与碟管式反渗透(DTRO)技术组合形成"生物强化-DTRO"工艺,并试用于含酚废水的处理。【结果】共获得7株纯化细菌,其中Phe-03和Phe-05为高效苯酚降解菌;该2株菌均可以苯酚为唯一碳源生长。经鉴定Phe-03为壤霉菌属(Agromyces)菌株;Phe-05为棒杆菌属(Corynebacterium)菌株。到目前为止,壤霉菌属(Agromyces)菌株降解苯酚尚未见报道。在初始苯酚浓度达到1 300 mg/L条件下,Phe-03和Phe-05菌株44 h内对苯酚降解率均达到70%以上;76 h后苯酚降解率均超过90%。组合形成的"生物强化-DTRO"工艺不仅可以有效去除废水中的酚类化合物,而且还能减少反渗透膜污染,以及增加膜的通透性。【结论】研究表明微生物技术可与DTRO技术联用,构建含酚废水生物强化处理工艺,可为含酚废水处理技术研究提供一种选择思路。 [Objective] To isolate and screen the efficient phenol-degrading microorganisms from the coal chemical wastewater and preliminary investigate the feasibility to construct the bioaugmentation process combined with microorganisms and DTRO technology for phenolic wastewater treatment.[Methods] The phenol concentration gradient medium were used for isolation and screening of phenol-degrading microorganisms.The strains were preliminary identified based on the cell electron microscopy observation,physiological and biochemical characteristics analysis and 16 S r RNA gene phylogenetic tree construction.The bioaugmentation-DTRO process was built combined with high efficient phenol-degrading bacteria inocula and disc-tube reverse osmosis(DTRO) technology and this system was on trial for phenolic wastewater treatment.[Results] Seven bacteria strains were purified and among which strain Phe-03 and Phe-05 have the high-efficiently phenol degradable potential and can use phenol as the sole carbon source.The strain Phe-03 was preliminary determined as a strain of Agromyces and the Phe-05 as a strain of Corynebacterium.With initial 1 300 mg/L phenol concentration,the phenol degradation rate of the above two strains reached more than 70% within 44 h and over 90% at 76 h.So far,the phenol degradation activities of Agromyces genus microbes have not been reported.The new bio-augmentation process can not only effectively remove phenolic compounds in wastewater,reduce pollution of reverse osmosis membrane but also increase membrane permeability.[Conclusion] This research indicated that the bioaugmentation process can be built combined with microbial and DTRO technology for phenolic wastewater treatment.This work can provide an alternative idea for the study of phenolic wastewater treatment technology.
出处 《微生物学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期2264-2274,共11页 Microbiology China
基金 国家科技型中小企业创新基金项目(No.12C26215306401) 云南省人才项目(No.2011CI001)
关键词 苯酚降解 碟管式反渗透(DTRO) 壤霉菌 棒杆菌 Phenol degradation Disc-tube reverse osmosis(DTRO) Agromyces Corynebacterium
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