
红外预警卫星对地覆盖区域近似计算模型 被引量:4

Approximate computing model for ground coverage region of infrared early warning satellites
摘要 以反导作战时红外预警卫星对地监视覆盖区域计算为需求,结合卫星平台和星载相机的特点,运用点集间投影和映射的思想,首先推导了地球同步轨道卫星对地进行圆锥-旋转扫描与推扫时的覆盖区域模型,运用坐标转换方法,进一步建立了低轨卫星对地扫描覆盖区域模型;提出了一种地球同步轨道卫星对地进行凝视覆盖的新工作模式;给出了临边覆盖的判定条件。仿真实例表明,该模型能有效计算高低轨红外预警卫星对地监视覆盖区域,能为预警卫星探测与跟踪弹道目标提供有力的技术支撑。 In the operation of missile defense,computing ground coverage region of infrared early warning satellites is a key precondition.Considering the characteristics of orbit altitudes and on-board sensors,using projection and mapping of point sets,firstly conic-slew scanning and push-broom scanning coverage region models for geosynchronous (GEO)satellites are derived.Secondly,in view of the low earth orbit(LEO)satellite’s orbit property,its scanning coverage region model is obtained using coordinate transformation.A novel surveil-lance operation mode of GEO staring sensor towards interesting region is described.In order to determine whether there is intersection between projection of the focal plane and the earth,limb coverage criterion is also given.Simulation scenarios corresponding to coverage models above show those models are feasible and can support detecting and tracking ballistic missiles for infrared early warning satellites.
出处 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期2133-2137,共5页 Systems Engineering and Electronics
基金 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划(2012JM8020)资助课题
关键词 红外预警卫星 覆盖区域 凝视覆盖 坐标转换 infrared early warning satellites coverage region staring coverage coordinate transformation
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