

Understanding What key of Network Literature Domain is—Reading Yu Jianxiang's 100 Key Words of Network Literature
摘要 网络文学发展到当下,亟需理论界对其生产机制、传播机制、接受机制、批评机制等进行全面而深入的考察。禹建湘的《网络文学关键词100》选取涵盖了网络文学本体、网络文学特质、网络文学形态、网络文学体式、网络文学产业与网络文学批评等6个层面的关键词100个,这是面对复杂的网络文学场域所作的一个扎实的基础性理论工作。该著作没有对所列的关键词作普通词典意义上的定义或解释,而是对这些词所反映的网络文学现象作一个现场记录,在记录中进行质疑、思辨、探讨、阐述,力求反映出所列词语的时代气息以及在网络文学发展过程中的重要影响,从而揭示网络文学的存在方式,洞见网络文学的本质所在。这不仅仅是一种知识的普及,更是一种文学观念的传达。这些关键词还原了网络文学给中国当代文学带来的种种变革,表现了这些变革带来的冲击力与影响力,以及这些变革的意义与价值。 Network literature development at present,needs the comprehensive and deep inspection of the theorists on the production mechanism,communication mechanism,acceptance mechanism and criticism mechanism. Yu Jianxiang’s 100 Key Words of Network Literature has selected and covered the 100 key words of 6 aspects,such as network literature ontology,network literature characteristic,network literature form,network literature style,network literature industry and network literature criticism,this is a solid basic theory work in the face of complex network literature field. The book has no ordinary dictionary definition or explanation of the key words listed,but makes a field recording about the network literature phenomenon which the term reflects,questions,analyzes mentally,discusses,elaborates in the records,tries to reflect the listed words flavor of the times and the important influence in the process of development,and reveals network literature existence way,so as to reveal the essence of network literature. This is not only a kind of universal knowledge,more is to convey a concept of literature,the keywords listed in the works reduce various change which network literature brings to Chinese contemporary literature,shows the force of the impact and influence which these changes have brought,as well as the significance and value of these changes.
作者 李夫泽
出处 《湖南人文科技学院学报》 2014年第5期138-140,共3页 Journal of Hunan University of Humanities,Science and Technology
关键词 网络文学 场域 《网络文学关键词100》 文学变革 of Network Literature literature change
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