‘伽马2号’是云南省种植面积较大、鲜食品质较好的马铃薯地方品种,本研究对该品种的肥料需求规律进行了研究。采用"3414"设计方法探索该品种的最佳施肥量,以达到节本高效生产的目的。结果表明,在施农家肥的情况下,不施化学钾肥导致产量偏低,每667m2产量仅为1 000 kg左右;合理施肥可获得较为满意的产量,在不防治晚疫病的条件下,较低的施肥量,即每667m2施农家肥1 000 kg,纯N 6 kg,P2O5 4 kg,K2O 5 kg,可以保证每667m2收获2 t的产量;进一步加大施肥量只有在配合晚疫病防治的情况下才能发挥作用而获得更高的产量。
'Gama 2', a high quality table potato variety, is one of the main varieties grown in Yunnan Province. In this research, fertilizer requirements for 'Gama 2' were evaluated in a '3414' design. The results showed that the yield when farmyard manure was applied was approximately 1 000 kg/667m2 without chemical potassium input. Reasonable fertilizer application could obtain satisfactory production. Application of 1 000 kg farmyard manure, 6 kg N, 4 kg P2O5, and 5 kg K2O produced the yield of 2 000 kg/667m2 without late blight control. Late blight control should be necessary to further increase potato yield if more fertilizers are used.
Chinese Potato Journal