
入乡随俗:《马达加斯加3》字幕翻译本土化语言特色解读 被引量:1

When in Rome,do as the Romans do——An Analysis of the Features of Localization inSubtitling Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted
摘要 字幕翻译是视听翻译领域最常见的模式之一,其面临着这样一个坐标轴:一端是对原文本的严格直译,另一端则是本土化,即在目标文化中对文本的自由再创造。影片《马达加斯加3》的中文字幕翻译选择了坐标轴的本土化一端,在语言的归化、文化的本土化和注重观众反应三个层面上,均展现了鲜明的本土化特征,具体表现在四个方面:针砭时弊、调侃名流;文化参照本土特色;流行语使用频繁;口语特征显著。丰富的译例中所展现的本土化语言特色映证了"入乡随俗"的原则在该片的中文字幕翻译中非常适用。 Subtitling is faced with an axis ranging from strictly verbatim rendition of the original text to localization or free,target-culture recreation of the text. The subtitling of Madagascar 3 stays near the target-culture pole,and exhibits distinct features of local-isation in terms of the domestication of language,localisation of culture and the focus on the audience's response,explicitly manifested in four aspects:social ills and celebrities ridiculed;cultural references adapted;catchwords frequently used and colloquialism. Those features of localisation prove that the rule of“When in Rome,do as the Romans do”applies to the subtitling of this film.
作者 刘大燕
出处 《黑龙江教育学院学报》 2014年第10期134-138,共5页 Journal of Heilongjiang College of Education
基金 重庆交通大学科学基金项目"视听翻译背景下的文本研究"成果之一(2011kjc02-017)
关键词 字幕翻译 本土化 归化翻译 动态对等 观众反应 subtitling localisation domestication dynamic equivalence the audience's response
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