该文研究了红米中γ–氨基丁酸的分光光度测定法,根据贝特洛(Berthelot)显色原理,初步确定了预处理方法、显色条件、最大吸收波长,讨论了红米色素对测定结果的影响。粗提条件:以60%乙醇为溶剂,料液比1∶3,机械振速156 r/min,温度50℃,时间2 h;显色条件:pH=9条件下,一定浓度重蒸苯酚与次氯酸钠溶液比为1∶3;测定结果:在吸光度为635nm处测得红米中γ–氨基丁酸含量为56.90 mg/100g。
This paper studies a quantification method of y-aminobutyric acid in red rice based on colorimetric reaction by UV-Vis spectrophotometer. It had initially identified pretreatment methods, chromogenic condition, the maximum absorption wavelength. And also made a discussion about whether the red pigment may interference the measurement results. Extract conditions: 60% ethanol as solvent, soloid-liquid ratio is 1 : 3, mechanical vibration speed of 156 rpm under 50 %2 for 2 h. Chromogenic condition: the ratio of redistilled phenol and sodium hypochlorite is 1 : 3 ( pH=9 ). Measurement results: yied of γ-aminobutyric acid content in red rice is 56.90 mg/100g ( λmax=635 nm ).
Cereals & Oils