
萝卜抽薹开花相关基因的研究进展 被引量:7

The Research Progress on Bolting and Flowering Gene of Radish
摘要 通过构建萝卜抽薹开花相关基因的cDNA文库,获取大量的EST序列,并与十字花科模式植物拟南芥、白菜等进行比较基因组学研究,研究结果显示:萝卜与拟南芥、白菜等植物基因组具有很高的同源性,控制抽薹开花的相关基因在不同物种中具有保守性。拟南芥抽薹研究表明,抽薹开花过程受多基因控制,具有多种调控途径。抽薹开花是一个复杂的过程,其中FLC、FT、LFY等基因处于关键位置。目前这些关键基因在萝卜EST序列中已经发现了同源片段,并进行了一些基因克隆,结合萝卜基因组测序的完成,未来萝卜抽薹研究将进入基因功能验证和全基因组调控模式研究之中。 Based on a radish cDNA library,a lot of EST sequences are obtained and a compara-tive genomic research is carried out between cruciferous model plants such as Arabidopsis thali-ana and cabbage.The results show that radish is in high homology with Arabidopsis thaliana and cabbage.Related genes are conserved about bolting and flowering traits in different species. Studies in bolting traits of Arabidopsis show that the process of bolting and flowering is con-trolled by many genes,and there are a variety of regulatory pathways.It is a complex process, including FLC 、FT 、LFY genes in a critical position.Currently the homologous fragments of these key genes have been found and cloned in radish EST sequences,combined with the com-pletion of the genomic sequencing of radish.Future researches will explore the function of genes and genome-wide regulation model.
出处 《金陵科技学院学报》 2014年第3期68-71,共4页 Journal of Jinling Institute of Technology
基金 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目(CX(13)2007) 江苏省农业科技自主创新资金项目(CX(12)2006)
关键词 萝卜 抽薹 十字花科 比较基因组学 radish bolting brassicaceae comparative genomics
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