为明确牦牛和藏羊粪对青藏高原高寒草甸植物种子萌发特性的影响,进行牦牛和藏羊粪不同浓度浸提液(0、25%、50%、75%和100%)下6种植物种子萌发试验。结果表明:受试6种植物种子萌发及幼苗生长因家畜粪浸提液浓度不同而异,在高浓度藏羊粪处理下,垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)、醉马草(Achnatherum inebrians)和甘肃马先蒿(Pedicularis kansuensis)的种子发芽率均降低,而酸模(Rumex acetosa)则升高;黄花棘豆(Oxytropis ochrocephala)仅在50%浓度下有所升高。种子发芽势和发芽指数亦表现相同趋势。在低浓度处理下,垂穗披碱草、醉马草和甘肃马先蒿的芽长均升高,而高浓度下则降低,而酸模在各浓度下均升高;根长亦有相同趋势。表明除酸模外,牦牛和藏羊粪水浸提液处理对高寒草甸植物种子萌发生长具有低浓度促进和高浓度抑制作用,继而潜在影响幼苗的形成、种间竞争和群落结构。
In order to identify the effect of dung extracts of yak and Tibetan sheep on seed germi- nation and seedling growth of six plant species in alpine meadow in the Eastern Qilian Mountains, the dung extracts with different concentrations (0, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% ) were used to treat the seeds and the indices relating germination and seedling growth were measured. The re- suhs showed that the effect of dung extracts differed with the change in treatment concentration. Treating with high concentration (from 75% to 100% ) extracts of Tibetan sheep dung, the ger- mination percentages of Elymus nutans, Achnatherum inebrians and Pedicularis kansuensis were significantly inhibited. The germination potential of E. nutans was inhibited with the concentra- tion of extracts from 25% to 100% of the yak dung and Tibetan sheep dung, the germination po- tential of A. inebrians was inhibited with the extracts from 75% to 100% of yak dung and from 50% to 100% ot the Tibetan sheep dung. The extract concentrations of Tibetan sheep dung from 25% to 100% and yak dung from 50% to 100% inhibited the seed germination potential of P. kansuensis. The seed germination index of P. kansuensis was significantly inhibited with 100% concentration of Tibetan sheep dung extract. Both Tibetan sheep and yak dung had no effects onthe seed germination percentage, germination potential and germination index of Rumex acetosa and O. ochrocephala. 25% of yak dung extract promoted the root growth of E. nutans; 100% of Tibetan sheep dung extracts inhibited the plumule growth of A. inebrians, 100% of the yak and Tibetan sheep dung extract inhibited the plumule growth of P. kansuensis, 75% to 100% of Ti- betan sheep extracts inhibited the root growth of A. inebrians and P. kansuensis. The growth of R. acetosa plumule and root was promoted with the concentration of extracts from 25% to 100% of the yak dung and Tibetan sheep dung, while other concentrations had no effect. Collectively, the effects of yak and Tibetan sheep dung extracts on seed germination in alpine meadow have three kinds of action: promotion at low concentration, inhibition or no effect at high concentra- tion, which in turn potentially affects the seedling establishment, interspecific competition and community structure.
Chinese Journal of Ecology
alpine meadow
yak dung
Tibetan sheep dung
maceration extract
seedling growth.