

A Multi-QoS Constraint Change Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Algorithm
摘要 多链路接入网中带宽分配的切换会造成较大的系统负载和时延增加,为优化各业务的动态带宽请求和全网效能,提出一种基于业务的带宽分配架构,设计了支持多Qo S参数约束切换的动态带宽分配方法(MQCCDBA),方法实现了Qo S约束值和带宽切换代价的计算,并量化了满足约束条件下带宽分配的大小,仿真结果验证了MQCCDBA能在满足一定Qo S约束条件下控制带宽分配切换次数,有效地减少系统负载和数据包时延,提高系统带宽利用率,MQCCDB可用于解决大规模网络环境下多业务的复杂Qo S控制实际问题. The change of bandwidth allocation in multilink access network will cause the increase of system load and packets latency. In order to optimize the dynamic bandwidth request of each business and network-wide performance, the service-based bandwidth allo- cation framework is proposed. A multi-QoS constraint change dynamic bandwidth allocation ( MQCCDBA ) algorithm is designed. This algorithm implements the calculation of QoS constraint value and bandwidth change cost, and quantifies the size of bandwidth alloca- tion which satisfies the constraint conditions. The simulation results verify that MQCCDBA can control the bandwidth allocation change times, effectively reduce the system load and packets latency, and improve the system bandwidth utilization. MQCCDBA can be used to solve the practical problems of many business complex QoS control in large-scale network.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期2464-2468,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61070179)资助 广东省自然科学基金项目(10151601501000015)资助 广东省教育部产学研结合项目(2012B091100445)资助
关键词 动态分配 QOS约束 切换代价 剩余带宽 dynamic allocation QoS constraint changing cost residual bandwidth
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