
预期就业风险、就业动机与进城务工人口就业选择行为研究 被引量:11

The Expected Employment Risks and the Choice of Employment Sector of Migrant Population
摘要 分割性劳动力市场的存在使进城务工人口就业搜寻成本增加,劳动力市场分割所造成的不同就业部门工资的差异生成了务工的就业风险,即求职失败的风险,以及工资收入降低的风险。本文从预期就业风险视角探讨进城务工人口的部门决策行为。对不同风险类型的劳动人口进行分类,将其代入Logit回归方程,实证检验得出就业风险因素对就业部门选择行为有重要影响,风险厌恶型务工人口进入非正规部门从业的概率高于风险偏好型务工人口。 The segmentation of labor market has increased employment cost of the migrant. Job search model cannot effectively explain the employment decision process. Labor market segmentation, which caused the wage differences between different employment sector, generated the workers employment risk, namely the risk to job failure, risk of revenue reduction. We classified the risk types of the labor force and discussed the decisionmaking behavior of migrant workers. We found that the employment risk factors have important influence on selection behavior of the employment sectors. The probability of the riskaverse worker be employed in the informal sector is lower than that of the labor with lower risk aversion.
作者 韩雪 张广胜
出处 《人口与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期79-90,共12页 Population & Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"信息能力 职业流动与新生代农民工市民化:机理与实证"(71273179) 国家自然科学基金青年项目"就业质量 职业流动与新生代农民工的工资决定和差异研究"(71303161) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划"城市化进程中的农民工市民化问题研究"(NCET-12-1014)
关键词 进城务工人口 就业部门 预期风险 migrant population department of employment the expected employment risk
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