The "muhiple" crime in the Criminal Law is also called "'multiple" aggravated offense. In essence, it is a criminal law phenome,lon that several crimes of one kind can be legally punished as one charge with increased penahies. As the lawmakers take the times of committing crimes as the conditions fbr upgrading .~tatutory sentence, the criminal law has shown the obvious tendency of severe penalty in punishing such crimes, so it' s imperative to stick to the judgment prineiples of unifying facts and valne, objectivity and subjectivity when identifying the "times" . The constitution tff a single crime in "multiple" crime only requires that the act is a crime, regardless of whether it has accomplished, attempted, prepared or suspended forms. Even the contents of a one-time abetting or helping have involved or resulted in "muhiple" crime, the instigator or helper shall not be evalnated as a "'nlultiple" criIne, equaling to the perpetrator.
Journal of Guizhou Police Officer Vocational College