为了实现石英挠性加速度计的线性度测试,基于石英挠性加速度计的工作原理,设计了一种基于计算机的石英挠性加速度计电模拟测试仪;在建立石英挠性加速度计拟合数学模型的基础上,给出了利用计算机、A/D采集卡实现石英挠性加速度计的线性度测试的方法,即电模拟测试;石英挠性加速度计电模拟测试仪软件采用Visual C++语言编写,能直观的反映出测试过程及结果;通过测试,石英挠性加速度计电模拟测试仪实现了预定的功能。
Based on works of quartz flexible accelerometer, a computer-based accelerometers quartz flexi- ble electrical analog tester was designed to achieve a flexible quartz accelerometer linearity test. On the ba- sis of building nlathematical models of flexible quartz accelerometers fitting, the method is the use of com- puters and A/D acquisition card to achieve the test of quartz flexible accelerometer linearity, namely elec- trical simulation tests. Software of flexible electrical analog quartz aceelerometer tester was written by Visu- al C ++ to reflect the intuitive testing process and results. Through testing, electrical analog quartz flexible aceelerometer tester achieves the intended function.
Journal of Sichuan Ordnance