
德国追续权制度及其借鉴 被引量:9

The Reference Significance of Right of Pursuit System in Germany
摘要 德国追续权制度从1965年确立至今,共经历了两次大的变动。一次是1972年,变动来自国内的推动,其结果是使该制度更具操作性;另一次是2006年,变动来自外部即欧盟的推动,其结果是使该制度更趋完善。德国《著作权与邻接权法》第26条是德国追续权制度的核心,该条对追续权适用范围、权利主体、义务主体、权利行使条件、利益提取方式、利益提取的法定最高数额等都作出了明确的规定。此外,德国其他法律,特别是德国《民法典》中的相关规定,也保证了追续权的实现。德国追续权制度的建立虽以法国为样板并且该制度后来还受到欧盟法律的影响,但仍保留了自己的特色。德国追续权制度的实践经验对于当下我国追续权制度的构建有着极为重要的借鉴意义。 Right of pursuit system in Germany has experienced two big changes since it was established in 1965. Once in 1972 when the domestic push made the system more operable, and once in 2006 when external push from European Union made the system more perfect. Article 26 of the Copyright Law in Germany is the core of the fight of pursuit system, which explicitly stipulates issues concerning the scope of the right, the subjects of the right, the subjects of obligations, the exertion conditions of the right, extraction methods of interests and the legal maximum amount of interests. Besides, other related regulations in Germany laws, especially in German Civil Code, guarantee the realization of the right of pursuit. Although the right of pursuit system in Germany modeled on France when established and later was influenced by European Union Law, it still kept its own characteristics. The legislative and practical experiences of the right of pursuit system has significant reference meaning for the construction of the fight of pursuit system in China.
作者 韩赤风
出处 《知识产权》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第9期82-88,共7页 Intellectual Property
关键词 著作权 追续权 德国追续权制度 copyright right of pursuit right of pursuit system in Germany
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  • 1Vgl. Schricker/Katzenberger, Urheberrecht, 2. A. § 26 Rdnr.1, Muenchen 1999.
  • 2Gesetzuber Urheberrecht und verwandte Schutzrechte (Urheberrechtsgesetz) vom 9. September 1965; http://lexetius.com/UrhG/26, 030614.
  • 3Gesetz II ber Urheberrecht und verwandte Schutzrechte (Urheberrechtsgesetz) vom 10. November 1972; http://lexetius.com/UrhG/26, 030614.
  • 4Fromm/Nordemann, Urheberrecht, 5 A. Kohlhammer 1983, S 187 f.
  • 5Gesetz ttber Urheberreeht und verwandte Sehutzrechte (Urheberrechtsgesetz) vom13. Dezember 2001; http://lexetius.com/UrhG/26, 030614.
  • 6RICHTLINIE 2001/84/EG DES EUROPAEISCHEN PARLAMENTS UND DES RATES vom 27. September 2001, Amtsblatt der Ettropaeischen Gemeinschaften, 13.10.2001, L 272/32.
  • 7Gesetz u her Urheberrecht und verwandte Schutzrechte (Urheberrechtsgesetz) vom 10. November 13. 2006; http://lexetius.com/UrhG/26, 030614.
  • 8Vgl. Schricker/Katzenberger, Urheberrecht, 2. A. §26 Rdnr.5, Muenchen 1999.
  • 9德国《著作权法》第64条.
  • 10德国《著作权法》第8条第2款第3句.


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