

Study of the Relationship Between the Theory of Individuation in Systemic Functional Linguistics and the Redistribution of Literacy Resources
摘要 系统功能语言学个体化理论揭示了社会符号资源按照社会文化身份分配到个体的特性。识读资源再分配能够削弱社会文化身份的差别在社会符号资源分配中的影响。研究发现:社会文化身份的差别与社会符号资源的不平衡分配之间相互强化,为识读资源再分配提供了依据;提高教学法的可见度、拉近编码取向之间的差距,能够抑制编码取向的负面影响,增强识读资源再分配的效度。个体化与识读资源再分配的关系也为我国识读能力教育提供了启示。 The theory of individuation in Systemic Functional Linguistics reveals that social semiotic resources are allocated to individuals in accordance with their socio-cultural identities. The redistribution of literacy resources can mitigate the effect of the disparities among socio-cultural identities on the allocation of social semiotic resources. It is found that: the different sociocultural identities and the uneven allocation of social semiotic resources are mutually reinforced, which provides motivation for the redistribution of literacy resources; by increasing the pedagogy’s visibility and redressing the differences between coding orientations, the negative effect of coding orientation can be reduced, the efficiency of redistribution of literacy resources improved. The illumination of this relationship between individuation and redistribution of literacy resources also sheds light on the literacy education in our country.
作者 汤斌
机构地区 东南大学
出处 《中国外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期42-47,60,共7页 Foreign Languages in China
基金 2013年江苏高校国际问题研究中心"亚太语言政策研究中心"项目(苏教社政[2013]6)的阶段性成果 国家留学基金资助([2011]3008)
关键词 个体化 识读资源再分配 社会文化身份 编码取向 可见的教学法 individuation redistribution of literacy resources socio-cultural identity coding orientation visible pedagogy
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