
双语者智力优势的影响因素 被引量:4

Factors Affecting the Gain of Bilingual Advantages
摘要 本文以双语者优势的显现为切入点,以二语水平、年龄、性别、教学模式和读写能力等因素为主线,梳理了这些因素对双语者智力优势的影响,并得出了如下基本结论:1)低水平的二语习得者,其二语习得经历将会妨碍智力优势的显现;而对于高水平的二语习得者,二语习得经历可以促进智力优势的提升。2)幼年双语者习得二语的时间超过半年,其智力优势就可显现出来;青少年双语者的智力优势显现时间较长,可能需要5年;老年双语者的智力优势主要体现在延缓老年痴呆的发病上。3)有关双语者智力优势的性别差异虽然存在争议,但女性很可能是双语者智力优势显现中值得密切关注的敏感群体。4)二语使用程度越高的教学模式,对双语者智力提升的作用越明显。5)同时具备母语与二语读写能力的双语者与只具备二语或母语读写能力的双语者相比,其智力优势更明显。 This paper aims to summarize the factors affecting the gain of bilingualism advantages in term of second language proficiency,age,gender,models for second language teaching and literacy. The author draws the following conclusions: 1)The experience in acquiring a second language prevents the non-proficient bilinguals from gaining the bilingual advantages,while the experience promotes the proficient ones; 2) Young children gain the bilingual advantages after 6 months of acquiring a second language; it takes juveniles as long as five years to gain the bilingual advantages; for the aged the bilingual advantages protect them against the onset of dementia; 3) The females are likely to be the sensitive subjects although the gender difference in bilingual advantages remains controversial; 4) The more involvement of second language in a teaching model,the more gain in bilingual advantages will be obtained; 5) Bilinguals being literate in both first language and second gain more bilingual advantages than those being literate either in first language or in second.
作者 倪传斌
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期45-49,共5页 Foreign Language Education
基金 国家社会科学基金项目"外语磨蚀的回归性分析"(项目编号:10BYY027)的部分成果 "江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目"(项目编号:20110101)的资助
关键词 双语教育 智力 双语优势 影响因素 bilingual education intelligence bilingual advantages affecting factors
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