
分布式领导是员工主动行为的驱动因素吗?——一个基于多重中介效应模型的检验 被引量:16

Is Distributed Leadership a Driving Factor of Proactive Behavior?A Test Based on Multiple Mediating Effect Model
摘要 作为一种新型的领导发展取向,分布式领导是员工主动行为和绩效的重要驱动因素,然而国内外有关分布式领导对员工主动行为影响效应和作用机制的研究并不多。本研究在对国内外相关理论研究和实证研究进行系统分析的基础上,构建了分布式领导影响员工主动行为的模型并加以验证。层次回归分析结果表明,心理授权在分布式领导与员工主动行为之间起着完全中介作用,组织自尊在分布式领导与员工主动行为之间起着显著的部分中介作用;结构方程模型整体检验结果表明,分布式领导对员工主动行为的影响存在三条路径:通过心理授权影响员工的主动行为;通过组织自尊影响员工的主动行为;通过心理授权影响组织自尊进而影响员工的主动行为。本研究的结果有助于揭示分布式领导影响员工主动行为的内在作用机制,并能够有效指导企业激发员工主动行为的管理实践。 As a new orientation of leadership development,distributed leadership is a very critical factor of employees' proactive behavior and performance.However,studies of the effects of distributed leadership on proactive behavior as well as its role are rare.Therefore,based on a systematic analysis of relevant theoretical and empirical literature,this paper builds a model describing the effect of distributed leadership on employees' proactive behavior to test the effect.Hierarchical regression analysis results show that psychological empowerment plays a completely intermediary role in the relationship between distributed leadership and employees' proactive behavior,while organization-based self-esteem plays a partial intermediary role.The structural equation analysis suggests that distributed leadership affects employees' proactive behavior through the following three ways,namely psychological empowerment,organization-based self-esteem and the combination of psychological empowerment and organization-based self-esteem.The findings help to clarify the inherent mechanism of the effect of distributed leadership on employees' proactive behavior and effectively guide management practice inspiring employees' proactive behavior.
出处 《外国经济与管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第9期38-51,共14页 Foreign Economics & Management
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助重点项目"企业员工的变革支持行为:驱动因素与作用机制动态实证研究"(批准号:2014XZD02) 广东省普通高校人文社会科学项目"企业家心理资本 领导风格与员工态度及创新行为关系研究"(批准号:10WYXM037) 广东省普通高校人文社会科学重点研究基地暨南大学企业发展研究所2014年度创新培育项目"动态环境下高科技企业组织复原力与创新绩效的关系:理论模型与纵向实证研究"(批准号:2013CP008)
关键词 分布式领导 主动行为 心理授权 组织自尊 distributed leadership proactive behavior psychological empowerment organization-based self-esteem
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