
对欧洲足球四大联赛特征刻板印象的实证探究 被引量:14

Empirical Analysis on the Stereotype of Football Clubs from Big Four UEFA Leagues
摘要 长期以来,人们对欧洲足球四大联赛俱乐部的比赛特征形成了某些特定的刻板印象,如西班牙足球甲级联赛球队注重技术、传球与控制,偏好地面进攻;意大利足球甲级联赛球队则注重链式防守,球风保守等。通过数理统计的方法,对四大联赛球队在2009—20134个赛季欧洲足球冠军联赛比赛中的技战术指标进行分析,以期对这些刻板印象进行实证分析。结果显示:1)西甲球队在进球相关指标方面的表现是最出色的,紧次于其的是德甲球队,而意甲球队在进球相关指标方面的表现则最差;2)各项传控指标和过人指标,西甲球队都远远高于其他联赛球队,而意甲球队在以上各项指标则是最低的;3)意甲球队在黄牌和犯规方面远远高于其他联赛球队,德甲球队在抢断方面则一枝独秀,英超球队在高球争抢成功率方面最理想,而西甲球队在各项防守相关指标中则表现得中规中矩。四大联赛球队特征的刻板印象基本被比赛数据证实,类似的研究可以引入亚洲足球冠军联赛,对我国足球俱乐部与亚洲其他俱乐部球队的实力对比与比赛技战术特征对比进行分析与探讨。 In order to check the stereotype of football clubs from big four UEFA leagues, statis- tical methods were undertaken to analyze the match performance indicators from EUFA Champions League of seasons 2009-2013. The results showed that 1) Spanish clubs showed highest performance in goal scoring related variables, upcoming with German clubs, while Italian clubs came the lasts2) Spanish clubs topped the attacking and organizing variable, and once again Italian clubs lay at the bottom; 3 ) Italian clubs gained most fouls and yellow cards, German clubs won most tackles, while English clubs won most aerial duels, Spanish clubs lay middle in all the defending variables. Statistical results have certified almost all the stereotype. This kind of statistical analysis can be introduced into Chinese clubs to help them prepare for the Asian Champions League and help them identify and choose foreign players.
作者 刘鸿优 易清
出处 《中国体育科技》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5期34-37,43,共5页 China Sport Science and Technology
基金 教育部国家留学基金(留金发[2012]3013)
关键词 足球 欧冠联赛 刻板印象 比赛表现指标 标准分数 football UEFA Champions League stereotype match performance indicatorsstandard score
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