

A Study on the Characteristics of the Transmission of Images of Tibet on the Internet
摘要 网络图像在信息与文化的传播中发挥着越来越重要的作用。网络图像具有易得性、易编辑性、超语言性、图文关系多样性、传播途径多样性及图像的文化性等特征。以拉萨"3·14事件"反西方媒体歪曲报道来看,我国涉藏网络图像传播有以下不足之处,如重官方不重民间、重媒体不重个人、重国内不重国外和重文字不重图像等。对此,建议大力建设网站的涉藏图像专栏,与国外门户网站建立合作关系,拓展图像分享渠道,重视民间的力量,注重涉藏事件图像传播的时效性。 The internet has increasingly become a new important media in our lives,and it also brings new challenges and opportunities for the transmission of Tibetan culture-of which the images of Tibet on the internet play an extremely important role. Internet images, i. e. the digital images and videos uploaded onto the internet,have become another kind of major text—the text of images or pictorial text. It is the pictorial text that presents visually the mysterious Tibetan culture in cyberspace,and enables everyone to have a closer look at the truth and miracle of the Qinghai-Tibet high plateau. At present,there are a large number of images and videos related to Tibet on the internet,and the graphical trend of Tibetan internet culture is obvious. While internet images disseminate Tibetan culture to the world,they also reflect its characteristics which differ from traditional images and the written text:1) The Ease in obtaining( the images).The easiness refers to the "ease in obtaining and announcing"with the help of digital techniques for photography and internet. Firstly,based on digital techniques,no matter whether it is a digital camera, smartphone or tablet PC, all are equipped with not less than 2 million or even 5 million pixel camera lenses,which enable digital images of Tibet to exist everywhere. Secondly,the Tibet Autonomous Region has built a communications network which covers all cities, counties,towns and important traffic hubs and tourist attractions in Tibet. Finally, speaking from the perspective of photographers,there are official media photographers, ordinary people, event partici-pants and visitors in Tibetan areas. All of them can use cameras and mobile phones to record the people,events,and landscape of Tibet,and upload these images onto the internet. These form a spectacular landscape of images that everyone can share.2) The Ease in Editing( PS). Internet images are different from the paper images. Because of their digital technical characteristics of coding and decoding, compression and decompression,no matter which kind of format,they are easy to convert,edit and produce. Various images taken in the real life are also easy to modify before uploading onto the internet. Various kinds of software for editing professional and non-professional images can be easily used to edit images. Some images retain the original appearance,and only make some modifications on color, brightness,but some might change the content and are"unrecognizable ", and, therefore, become "non-authentic". This is difficult for the ordinary person to identify. Internet images of Tibet also face such a risk.3) Transcending Language. There is no doubt that with regard to "boring " words, the images found in the mass communication pictorially and intuitively record the events that happen in Tibet; they vividly display the beautiful high plateau scenery,and mysterious Tibetan culture in Tibet.This is one of the most fundamental reasons that attract internet users. Secondly,the images are a narrative without words, and transcend language barriers. Its transmission content is richer and more intuitive. Internet images have become amore universal communications tool which transcends ethnic and national boundaries for ordinary people.4) The Multi-Relationship between Images and Words. There are three forms relating to the existence of the images on the internet: The first one is that the text is primary and the image is secondary. The second one is that the image is primary and the text is secondary; the third one is a series of images that focus on a particular theme.There is no text,only a title. It provides a detailed representation of the people,event or object. There are both advantages and disadvantages regarding the multi-relationship between the images and words. A consistent content of both the image and the words-makes it more close to the truth;the nonconformity of the images and the word-description might create a misunderstanding to the words or the images,which will damage the practical meaning of the things.5) Diversity in the Ways for Transmission.The internet media image is transmitted mainly through news reports,columns with images,microblogs on websites portals,and also through other public,personal and non-professional internet image transmission. They can be announced through blogs,BBS chartlets,video web sites,or even through social transmissions based on interpersonal communication.6) The Cultural Nature of the Images. Some scholars have made it clear that in the space of internet culture,because images can gradually replace text, the internet culture is essentially a kind of"image culture". The landscape of images formed on the internet by the internet images related to the Tibetan society, culture, history and present situation,hence,becomes a Tibetan visual cultural landscape in the internet era,and it presents Tibetan culture clearly to internet users of the world.Currently,there are some deficiencies concerning the transmission of internet images of Tibet in China: 1) paying attention to the official side,but ignoring the folk side. In the process of transmitting the images on the internet, we pay too much attention to the official media,but ignore a lot on the strengths of folk images; 2) paying attention to the media but ignoring the people.. In the age of the internet,media is no longer the traditional media,and people are no longer the traditional people.. The two sides can have a mutual transformation. Internet images of Tibet are too much focused on spreading official media,whereas a large amount of personal images which are transmitted are not valued; 3) paying attention to the domestic,but ignoring the international.. The internet crosses over physical national borders,and information announced anywhere in the world can be seen by all people. This is the trend of globalization. However, our dissemination of internet images and information related to Tibet focuses too much on domestic internet sites written in Chinese,which is not conducive to the global spread of the images; 4) paying attention to the text,and ignoring the images. We have not paid enough attention to the role of the internet images resources related to Tibet in the dissemination of Tibetan culture. The establishment of a special column for images on both domestic and international websites is rare,and sharing images on video is even more insufficient.Therefore,we put forward some suggestions concerning the transmission of internet images as follows: 1) establish a special internet column for images. In addition to setting up the special column for "images",and "videos"on official web sites,domestic mainstream media can also encourage other domestic sites,such as Sina,Tencent,Netease, Sohu, Phoenix TV and other large,comprehensive information portal websites to set up an images channel related to Tibet,and to take professional media photography and camera shooting as the main source of the images; 2) to establish cooperative relationships with domestic and foreign web portals. To establish a data bank for the images of Tibet by the official media in China,and establish a co-operative relationship with foreign portals for sharing information and data related to Tibet in order to ensure the reliability of the images and information announced by the domestic and foreign media; 3) to expand image sharing channels,and pay attention to the force of the common people. In recent years,wide band and mobile communication in Tibetan areas have become very developed and unblocked due to the network construction. All places above the village and town level in Tibet region can upload images into the internet conveniently and instantly; 4) to pay attention to the timeliness of the transmission of images related to events that happen in Tibet.The images of events that happen in Tibet should be uploaded as soon as possible,especially the new events should be photographed and uploaded imm
作者 王万宏
出处 《民族学刊》 2014年第4期15-18,106-108,共7页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社会科学基金艺术学项目<网络文化发展对藏族社会文化生活的影响研究>(项目编号:11CG122) 西南民族大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金资助 西南民族大学2011年研究生学位点建设项目(编号:2011XWD-B0304)阶段性成果
关键词 网络图像 传播 策略 Tibetan internet images transmission
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