为研究卡塔尔多哈港池开挖土体膨胀性能,设计了两组不同细颗粒含量(粒径小于0.063 mm)的大型现场浸水模型试验,模型大小20 m×20 m×1 m,其中一半细颗粒含量小于20%,另一半35%-45%。研究结果表明:膨胀变形大致可分为初始快速膨胀、缓慢膨胀和稳定3个阶段;膨胀变形速率在细颗粒含量少的部分呈现初期速率较大,膨胀较快;而细颗粒含量高的部分初期速率较小,初期膨胀缓慢。两组不同细颗粒开挖回填料最终膨胀量均在9 mm左右,表明回填料对细颗粒含量敏感性不强,能满足膨胀量工程要求。
To investigate the settlement heave characteristics of excavated materials from the basin, we design the large-scale in-situ flooded embankment test. The model with dimensions 20 m × 20 m × 1 m includes two different parts of fine contents (passing through 0. 063 mm) : one part comprising fine contents less than 20%, the other part of 35% -45%. Based on the model test result, we conclude that the swelling process can be divided into three phases, i. e. the initial rapid swelling phase, the slowly increasing phase and the stable phase. The rate of swelling varies with the flooding time in such a pattern: maximum, low, gentle. The rate for fine contents less than 20% with a higher initiative rate is faster than the fine content 35% - 45% in the first phase, and the excavated fill is non-sensitive to fine contents since the final heave of different fine contents are both 9.0 mm. The flooded embankment test may serve as reference for the design and engineering application of excavated fills in new Doha port.
Port & Waterway Engineering
large-scale flooded embankment model test
swelling characteristics
excavated fill of basin