
开放合作创新视角下基于云模式的物流资源一体化集成决策研究 被引量:4

Research on Resources Integration Decision Problem in Cloud Mode Based on the View of Open Cooperation and Innovation
摘要 基于开放合作创新的思路,文中提出一种全新的物流资源运作管理模式——"云模式",探讨在开放合作创新的平台上,对多种紧密耦合且相互制约的物流资源进行同步协同和整合的方法与途径。"云模式"的本质是通过松弛物流资源与其所有者之间的归属关系,为社会全体物流资源提供一个开放的平台。物流资源可以通过这个平台,以合作的方式有机的集成在一起,从而实现资源的优化配置、提高物流资源的利用率,降低社会物流的总成本,提高客户对物流服务满意度的目标。文中的研究契合了当前政府相关职能部门和企业在管理决策上的实际需要。 This paper proposed a new logistics resource management mode named “the cloud mode” on the view of open cooperation and innovation ,explored a way to coordinate and integrate various logistics resources .The essence of “cloud mode” is to slack the relationship between relaxation logistics resources and its owner ,provide an open platform for the all social logistics resources.The logistics resources can be organically integrated together in a cooperative manner through this open platform , realizing the goal of optimizing the allocation of resources ,improving the utilization of logistics resources and customer satisfaction of logistics service , reducing the total cost of social logistics .This research meets the actual needs of the relevant government departments and enterprises ,has very important theory meaning and practical value.
作者 毕娅 张曙红
出处 《物流工程与管理》 2014年第9期100-102,79,共4页 Logistics Engineering and Management
基金 湖北省科技厅软科学研究专项资助项目"基于开放合作创新的湖北省物流资源一体化集成管理模式研究"(2014BDF098)
关键词 开放合作创新 云模式 协同库存 选址 分配 open cooperation and innovation the cloud mode collaborative inventory location distribution
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