
全球气候治理的政治经济学分析 被引量:41

An Analysis of Global Climate Control from the Viewpoint of Political Economy
摘要 西方经济学界对气候变化的原因、进程和影响提出了两种不同的理论,并给出了各自的应对方案。其主流经济理论认为,气候变化是温室气体排放外部性的结果,并提出以市场化和地球工程为主要手段的治理方案。其非正统经济学者则认为,气候变化是全球资本主义经济发展方式的系统性结果,主流方案无法根本解决气候问题。西方非正统经济学者中的马克思主义者,将气候变化归因于资本积累的扩大,认为新自由主义下市场化的气候治理,将增加社会经济和环境的矛盾。在国外马克思主义经济学研究的基础上,重建气候变化政治经济学分析框架的研究表明,气候变化的全球性决定了其治理需要全球范围的行动,生成于资本主义体系中的"马克思式"大众运动,通过联合主张可持续发展的资本集团参与现有的全球气候治理运动,是实现大众气候治理的可能途径。 Western economists have put forward two different theories for the causes,progress and effect of climate change and provided the corresponding solutions.Mainstream economic theory holds that climate change is the result of an externality produced by greenhouse gas emissions,and proposes to control it mainly through market measures and geo-engineering.Unorthodox economists hold that climate change is the systemic result of the developmental mode of the global capitalist economy and is a problem that mainstream solutions are quite unable to address;market-based climate control under neoliberalism will increase the conflict between society,the economy and the environment.Research rebuilding the framework of political economy on the basis of overseas Marxist economic studies shows that the global nature of climate change determines that its control requires global action.This produces'Marxist-like'mass movements in the capitalist system,movements that can unite the participation of capital groups that adhere to sustainable development and the existing movement for global climatecontrol.This is a viable way of achieving mass-based climate control.
出处 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期63-82,205-206,共20页 Social Sciences in China
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