
中国参与APEC互联互通合作应对战略研究 被引量:9

China's Strategies in Participating in APEC's Connectivity Cooperation
摘要 当前,全球经济复苏之路仍充满了不确定性。出口贸易萎缩和国内就业压力导致了严重的贸易保护主义情绪,也成为APEC各经济体进一步深化区域经济合作的严重掣肘。在此背景下,较少涉及经济主权让渡、政治敏感度较低、更容易产生实际合作成果的互联互通合作逐渐成为APEC合作进程的优先方向之一。中国在参与未来APEC互联互通合作的进程中,也必将遇到缺乏政治互信和共同发展共识、标准不一致导致技术鸿沟等外部因素,以及软硬件基础条件较为薄弱、国内部委协调和组织运作机制低效等国内现实条件的限制与制约。为此,中国理应秉持开放包容、合作共赢的思想,从参与和引领战略顶层设计、弥合各经济体诉求差异、增大资金支持力度以及加强国内组织机制协调等层面开展工作,逐步提升中国在APEC互联互通合作中的影响力和主导权。 At present, the recovery of global economy is still full of uncertainties. The declining in export and domestic employment pressure have led to serious trade protectionist sentiment, seriously constraining the economies in APEC from further cooperation. Against this backdrop, the connectivity cooperation, which involves less economic sovereignty transfer, lower political sensitivity and a higher possibility to gain practical achievements, has gradually become one of the priorities of the APEC cooperation. In its future participation in APEC' s connectivity cooperation, China will also face lots of challenges and obstacles at home and aboard, such as the lack of mutual trust and common consensus in politics, the huge technological gap caused by inconsistent standards, the weak domestic software and hardware infra- structure, and the inept organizational mechanism among domestic ministries. As a result, China should stay open and tolerant and entertain a win-win vision. It should participate in and guide the top-level design, bridge the differences among different economies' demands, increase financial support and strengthen the coordination among different domestic organizations, in order to gradually promote China' s influence and leadership in APEC' s connectivity cooperation.
作者 李文韬
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期101-112,共12页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(NKZXB1401)
关键词 互联互通 基础设施建设与投资 APEC 中国 Connectivity Infrastructure Construction and Investment APEC China
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