
俄罗斯联邦安全会议的历史演进及对中国的启示 被引量:3

The Russian Security Council: Its History and Revelation to China
摘要 当前,国际局势发生着复杂而深刻的变化,国内安全与国际安全、传统安全与非传统安全问题相互交织、难解难分,世界各国都在采取各种措施应对国际安全局势的变化。俄罗斯的安全会议诞生于苏联解体前夕,作为苏联的继承国,俄罗斯接掌安全会议后,随着国内外局势的变化不断完善该机构的工作和决策机制。俄罗斯总统作为安全会议主席领导安全会议机构,协同国家各个关键参与部门,在事涉国家安全的内政外交方面,尤其在打击车臣恐怖势力方面,做出许多具有重要意义的决策,保证了俄罗斯国家经济发展、社会稳定和领土完整。俄罗斯安全会议还就经济、军事、人口、能源、生态、信息、科技等许多事关国家安全的重要领域出台了一系列战略构想。在国际关系领域,俄罗斯安全会议除出台对外政策构想、对独联体国家发展关系的方针政策外,还在2014年乌克兰危机的关键时刻,及时做出重要决策,有力地保障了俄罗斯的利益与国家安全。俄罗斯作为中国的重要邻国和全面战略协作伙伴,与中国面临着相似的内外安全问题,其设立安全会议的经验及具体运行机制等均对中国新设立的国家安全委员会具有重要的参考意义,值得中国认真研究、学习和借鉴。 Various measures have been initiated around the world to deal with the profound changes in the international situation and the complexity of national security which is invariably inextricably interwoven in traditional and non-traditional security issues. The Russian Security Council was founded before the collapse of the Soviet Union, and its working and decision-making mechanism was inherited and improved by Russia to meet its foreign and domestic changes. The President of Russia, also the Chairman of the Russian Security Council, has been the major decision maker in its major national security issues, such as its fight against terrorist forces in Chechnya, and its efforts to safeguard the economic development, social security, and territorial integrity of Russia. In addition, the Russian Security Council has put forward a series of strategies in the major fields of national security, e.g. in its economy, military affairs, population, energy, ecology, information, science and technology. It has also been playing a central role in the making of Russia's foreign policies and the setting of the guidelines for its relations with the CIS countries, and at the critical moment of the Ukraine crisis, it exhibited its strength in safeguarding Russia's national interests and security. Being a close neighbor and comprehensive strategic and cooperative partner of Russia, China is facing similar internal and external security issues and the Russian Security Council and its operational mechanism are a significant source of enlightenment for China's newborn National Security Committee.
作者 胡昊
出处 《国际安全研究》 2014年第5期3-15,155,共13页 Journal of International Security Studies
关键词 俄罗斯安全会议 乌克兰危机 安全委员会 Russia,security council,Ukraine crisis,security committee
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