

An Innovative Air-defense System of Ultra-long Endurance and Prompt Response
摘要 来自空中的威胁,正在成为中国国家安全面临的主要军事威胁。选择具有持久留空和即时反应能力的浮空器作为主战平台,建构符合中国国情的新空防体系,可极大提高国防投入的费效比,是应对"空海一体战"、"超快打击"、"离岸封锁"等军事威胁的战略性思路。"持久留空"是指飞行器能够以天、月、年为时间单位在空中飞行或驻留,它将提供远超过目前飞机以小时为尺度的留空时间。能够持久留空的飞行器不注重飞得更高、更快的性能指标,却要求飞行器在空中尽可能长久地停留。"即时反应"是指依托驻留在空中的飞行器对陆海空天目标进行不间断地感知、侦查,在确认遭遇攻击时可对敌方空中目标和发射基地实施即发即中的打击。建构"持久留空-即时反应"的新型空防体系,可以摆脱"三代机"、"四代机"、"五代机"的线性发展思路,避免模仿"介入"、"反介入"、"反反介入"的美式军事思想,寻找到具有军事变革意义的中国空防新路径。这对保持国家间的和平,遏制拥有军事技术优势的国家发动"先发制人"打击的冲动具有重大的意义。 Air threat is becoming a major military threat to China's national security. An operational platform with ultra-long enduring(ULE) and prompt responding(PR) aerostats will be a new ideal air-defense system for China. This innovative air-defense system could be a strategic solution to improving the cost-effectiveness of China's defense spending and its response to such military threats as 'Air Sea Battle', 'Prompt Global Strike' and 'Offshore Blockade'. ULE refers to the endurance capability of aircrafts which lasts not for hours but for days, months, and even years. In other words, the goal of ULE aircrafts is to stay airborne as long as possible instead of moving in air at a high speed or altitude. PR refers to aircrafts' ability to both survey and recon land-sea-air objectives, and instantly initiate counter-strike to the hostile air targets or launch bases when enemy attacks are confirmed. The ideal for developing the air-defense system with ULE and PR capacity is to find a revolutionary approach to China's air defense, which is neither the pursuing of the linear mode of development from third to fourth and fifth generation fighters, nor a mere imitation of the US' military strategic mode of 'Intervention, Anti-Intervention, and Counter Anti-Intervention'. It will be of great contribution to peace for its capability of preventing countries with advanced military technology from initiating the first strikes.
作者 王湘穗
出处 《国际安全研究》 2014年第5期127-137,159-160,共11页 Journal of International Security Studies
关键词 空防体系 持久留空 即时反应 air-defensesystem,ultra-long endurance,prompt response
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