
国际化战略是否有助于企业提高绩效——基于Meta回归技术的多重误设定偏倚分析 被引量:18

Whether International Strategy Will Help Firms Improve Their Performance
摘要 国际化战略是否有助于企业提高绩效?对于这个全球战略研究领域的焦点问题,不同观点的争议由来已久:两者之间为正相关、负相关、倒U形、U形、水平S形、N形关系,甚至不相关。本文采用定量文献研究的Meta回归技术方法,以企业绩效对国际化的回归系数为效应量,应用64篇重要文献中的176个样本观测值,从多个层面、多重角度对此争议问题进行了透彻的原因分析。通过对影响国际化—企业绩效实证研究结果的全面系统误设定偏倚考察及14个相关假设的检验,本文从样本企业特征、变量操作特征、研究方法特征、文献发表特征四个层面,获得了一系列有价值的调节因素发现:正是这些调节因素在各研究中的纳入不同和作用不同,导致了国际化与企业绩效关系结果产生了种种差异。这一发现能够更为有效地解释国际化—企业绩效的内在关系机制,并提供Meta回归技术研究的参考框架。 Whether international strategy will help firms improve their performance? It is a focus question in the global strategic management field, and there are long-standing disputes among different viewpoints: The relationship between internationalization and firm performance is positive linear, negative linear, inverted U-shaped, U-shaped, horizontal S-shaped, N-shaped, or even irrelevant. In this paper we use a quantitative literature research approach Meta-regression to address this debate. We use the regression coefficient as effect size, utilizing 64 important relevant papers, involving 176 effect size observations, and conducting a thorough study from multiple levels and multiple perspectives for this controversial issue. We investigate systemetically the mis-specialization bias influencing this relationship. After testing 14 hypotheses we obtain many valuable moderating factors from four aspects: sample firms, variable features, research methods and literature characteristics. This result can better illustrate the inner internationalization-performance mechanism, and give a reference variable framework for Meta- regression studies.
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第11期102-115,共14页 China Industrial Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"国际化战略是否有助于企业提高绩效?基于资源和制度的双重调节模型构建"(批准号71372123) 武汉大学人文社会科学"70后"学者学术发展计划"中国企业的国际竞争力提升"学术团队建设计划(批准号WD70BSM)
关键词 国际化 企业绩效 调节因素 Meta回归技术 误设定偏倚 internationalization firm performance moderating factors Meta-regression technique misspecialization bias
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