本文在学习理论的指导下,结合自身的教学实践,对青海民族院校53名藏族和56名非英语专业蒙古族学生英语学习风格和学习策略的使用情况进行了调查研究。研究根据Oxford’s SAS以及她的语言学习策略量表(Strategy Inventory for Language Learning),采用定量和定性研究的方法,分析了藏族、蒙古族大学生不同学习风格的表现和特点,同时通过调查了解到藏蒙大学生语言学习策略的使用处于中等偏下水平,依据调查结论,从学习策略的训练方面提出了一些建议。
This investigation is on learning styles and learning strategies for 53 Tibetan and 56 Mongolian non -English majors from Qinghai Nationalities University . With the methods of quantity and quality, the study is based on Oxfords SAS and Strategy Inventory for Language Learning to analyze their different preferences. The purpose of the study is to improve English teaching for these Tibetan and Mongolian beginners . The results the learning styles vary from each other and the usage of learning strategies maintains at the secondary downwards. show that level and
Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)