
《化学鉴原》增补内容来源考 被引量:4

A Study on Some Sources of the Chinese Chemical Translation Huaxue Jianyuan
摘要 通过对比《化学鉴原》及其底本Wells's Principles and Applications of Chemistry(1858),发现该书在翻译过程中有内容的更新与增补。更新增补内容主要来源于《化学鉴原补编》的底本Chemistry,Inorganic and Organic,with Experiments and A Comparison of Equivalent and Molecular Formulae(1867)。《化学鉴原》较原著更好地体现了新的化学知识,且与《化学鉴原补编》的对应内容有一定互补性。 Based on a comparison of the Huaxue Jianyuan with its original English text, Wells's Principles and Applications of Chemistry (1858), this study discovers that some contents were upda- ted and some new contents were added in the process of translation of the Huaxue Jianyuan. The up- dated and added contents are mainly extracted from another English text of Charles Loudon Bloxam's Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic, with Experiments and a Comparison of Equivalent and Molecular Formulae (1867), which was also translated into Chinese entitled Huaxue Jianyuan Bubian. The fact shows that the translation work Huaxue Jianyuan is more advanced than its original text in the in- troduction of new chemical knowledge. Moreover, the two translations Huaxue Jianyuan and Huaxue Jianyuan Bubian are complementary with each other.
出处 《自然科学史研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期158-172,共15页 Studies in The History of Natural Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金(项目编号:10BYY014 11XZS010)
关键词 《化学鉴原》 韦而司 徐寿傅兰雅《化学鉴原补编》 底本 比较 Huaxue Jianyuan, David Ames Wells, Xu Shou, John Fryer, Huaxue JianyuanBubian, original text, comparison
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