目的研究等臂双着丝粒Y染色体患者表型与核型之间的关系。方法通过研究我院6例性别混乱(DSD)的病例,包括外阴模糊、身材矮小、原发闭经和男性无精子症的患者,进行G显带染色体核型分析,并利用荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)找出标记的结构和断裂点。所有的病人均检测SRY区段。结果 6例患者证实均为等臂双着丝粒Y染色体,其中5例有45,X细胞系嵌合。3例患者(1、2和3号)有相似的断裂点:idicY(qter→p11.32::p11.32→qter),5号患者断裂点为:idicY(pter→q11.1::q11.1→pter),4号患者有相似的断裂点,但为非嵌合体,6号患者断裂点为Yq11.2:idicY(pter→q11.2::q11.2→pter)。其中3例病人的SRY区段正常。结论本研究证实了等臂双着丝粒Y染色体断裂点的不同以及45,X在细胞系中所占的比例的差异导致表型的不同,并且建立了表型和核型的相关性。
Objective: To research the relation between the phenotype and the genotype of isodicentric Y chromosome. Methods: We report on six patients with variable signs of disorders of sex development (DSD) including ambiguous genitalia, short stature, primary amenorrhea, and male infertility with azoospermia, using GTG-banding technique. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) technique was used to determine the structure and the breakage sites. SRY signals were detected in all patients. Results: All patients are proved to be isodicentric Y chromosomes, and five of them are associated with a 45,X cell line. Three patients (patients 1, 2, and 3) , were found to have similar breakpoints, idicY (qter→pll.32::pll.32→qter) . Patient 5 revealed the breakpoint: idicY (pter→qll.l::ql 1.1→pter) . The same breakpoint was detected in patient 4 but in non-mosaic form. Patient 6 had the breakpoint at Yq 11.2: idicY (pter→q i 1.2 :.q 11.2→pter) . Sequencing of the SRY gene was carried out for three patients with normal results. Conclusion: This study emphasizes the importance of the breakpoint of isodicentric Y chromosomes and the percentage of 45,X cell line to the difference of phenotype, and establishes the relationship between phenotype and karyotype.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity