
商用冷冻柜热气融霜系统优化的实验研究 被引量:2

Experimental Research on Optimization of Hot Gas Defrosting System for Commercial Freezer
摘要 本文介绍分析了应用于商用冷冻柜上的热气融霜技术。通过改变热冲霜管的直径,测试分析了冷柜的融霜时间、压缩机吸气压力、压缩机排气压力、冷柜总输入功率等参数的变化特点,得出了最优热冲霜管的规格。 The technology of hot gas defrosting applied in commercial freezer was introduced and analyzed in this paper. For defrosting pipes with different diameter, the defrosting time, the suction and discharge pressure of the compressor, and total power input were tested and analyzed. Based on the experimental results, the optimal defrosting pipe was obtained.
出处 《制冷技术》 2014年第4期27-30,共4页 Chinese Journal of Refrigeration Technology
关键词 商用冷冻柜 热气融霜 压缩机负荷 冲霜管 Commercial freezer Hot gas defrosting Compressor load Defrosting pipe
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